Welcome back!! English I April 8 th – 12th
Daily Oral Language #23 Please fix any mistakes you can find in the following sentences: 1.mom she growed roses their in the garden 2.he had came too the library to right a short story
Greek and Latin Roots and Affixes (if you have already finished your cards, please start the worksheet – due for hw on Wednesday) Ab = away from Viv = live Corpor = body Cris; crit = judge Dia = apart; through Dorm = sleep dorm dormant The daffodils that are dormant in the wintertime look so lovely in the spring. sleep
Introduction to Poetry Please look over the objectives sheet for this unit. Let’s look at some academic vocabulary related to poetry! NOTES
Quickwrite Big Question: Why are we fascinated by the UNKOWN? Do you like television shows in which weird things happen? The writers of two poems we will read were also fascinated by the strange & unknown. Take the next few minutes to write down three events from movies, television shows, or stories you have heard that you find weird or hard to believe.
The Raven by Edgar Allan Poe The Raven
Let’s take a look at Matt Groening’s interpretation of this famous narrative poem: Simpson's Poe
The Raven Guide to Annotation – CLOSE Reading of The Raven By Edgar Allan Poe – Day #1 – Read over the article and make annotations (dialogue with the text)
Ticket Out Use your post its to write learned/confused sentences for our parking lot.
Do now…. For class today you will need your binder (which SHOULD be organized with paper in it), your Adapted Interactive Reader, your independent reading book & folder, and something to write with (pencils must be sharpened now) Please gather these things NOW!
Daily Oral Language # 24 Please fix any mistakes you can find in the following sentences: 1.she don’t want no roast beef sweet potatoes or stuffing for dinner 2.them workers have leaved hammers nails and wood in there truck
Greek and Latin Practice Use a dictionary to find the definition of each word. Write down the definition (including part of speech), and create your own original sentence using the word. 1.abduct 2.vivacious 3.incorporate 4.crisis 5.diagnose 6.dormant
Grammar Notes What is subject-verb agreement? Phrases or clauses between subjects & verbs Notes
The Raven – Group read Take turn reading aloud with your tablemates – take turns reading the stanzas. Pay attention to the rhythm and rhyme scheme! Read through the whole poem once without stopping.
The Raven – Say Something! 1.With your partner, decide who will say something first. 2.When you say something, do one or more of the following: Identify an unfamiliar word Make a prediction Ask a question Make a connection Make a comment 3.If you cannot do one of the above, you need to re- read. 4.The other person responds to what was said. Be ready to share!
INDEPENDENT READING Please get the book that you selected for independent reading and read SILENTLY for the next 20 minutes. When I tell you that time is up, please fill out your worksheet (a summary or your thoughts on what you read – at least 5 sentences NOT copied from the book) and put it in your IR folder.
Daily Oral Language # 25 Please fix any mistakes you can find in the following sentences: 1.bill left us his Computer but the batteries runned out 2.larrys sister drunk the orange juice after she had runned the marathon
Greek & Latin homework…. ….is due today. You have one minute to turn it in. Anyone seen copying will earn a zero for all involved!
Grammar Notes Indefinite pronouns Compound subjects Notes
Do Now…. For class today you will need the following things: binder (with paper), adapted reader, independent reading book & folder, pen or pencil. You have 2 minutes to gather these things!
Daily Oral Language # 26 Please fix any mistakes you can find in the following sentences: 1.my brother gots many of franks old jeans and sweatshirts 2.i havent never saw dr soto in the emergency room
Grammar Notes Please use your notes from the past two days to help you fill out the worksheet. This will count as a quiz day – please do your work by yourself!
The Raven – Margin notes Work with a partner (from your table). Please fill in the margin notes (the light blue sections on the sides of the pages) A – G. Be ready to share your answers!
The Raven – Text Analysis Please fill out questions 1 – 5 on your text analysis worksheet. You are ONLY answering questions for The Raven (we have not read the other poem yet). This is your ticket out for today!!
Do Now…. For class today you will need the following things: binder (with paper), adapted reader, pen or pencil. You have 2 minutes to gather these things!
Daily Oral Language # 27 Please fix any mistakes you can find in the following sentences: 1. there is children and bicycles on mercer street now 2. this morning i seen the biggest of the two dogs
Greek & Latin Practice Use a dictionary to find the definition of each word. Write down the definition (including part of speech), and create your own original sentence using the word. 1.Abstain 2.Vital 3.Corpulent 4.Dormitory 5.Diatribe 6.criteria
Flashback Friday – S/V Agreement Subject/Verb agreement Please get your quiz from yesterday – we are going to review!
Analyzing Poetry TPCASTT
Incident in a Rose Garden Please open your adapted readers to page number 65. Let’s read together!
Analyzing Poetry Let’s analyze Incident in a Rose Garden using TPCASTT. Take out a separate sheet of paper and try it – please raise your hand if you need help.
Ticket Out Use your post its to write learned/confused sentences for our parking lot.
Reminder…. You have a QUIZ on Greek and Latin on Monday!!
Grammar Notes Solving Common Agreement Problems Subjects after Verbs Notes