Specialist Nurse Trainers for Children with Disabilities
Meet the team
Service available to child/YP:- Living in Lincolnshire Registered with a Lincolnshire GP Under care of a Lincoln Hospital Consultant Accessing a Lincolnshire Provider Age 0 – 19 years*
The Need to Service Development Best Value Review (2001) Better Services for Disabled Children in Lincolnshire Lack of training and support Increasing number of children
The Children's Fund Project Proposal (2002) Commenced January 2003 Initially funded until 31st March year age group Suggested max number of children approx 50
Service supports Child with any disability with a physical health need Tracheostomy Gastrostomy NG tube Requiring rectal Diazepam/buccal Midazolam Intermittent Catheterisation Oral suction
Oxygen dependency/therapy Emergency injections (Hydrocortisone) Blood sugar testing (not for diabetes)
Service Priorities Training and support –Cohesive, comprehensive, regularly reviewed Resources –Training material –Information
Beneficiaries Children –Safe, consistent care - evidence based –Involved in training
School Staff/Carers –Opportunity to gain skills –Provide safe, consistent care –Regular reviews
Parents –Increased confidence in school/nursery/transport staff –Involved in training –Reviewing training packages
School Health Nurses/Other professionals –Able to update own practice –Access to information and resources
Service available to School staff/after school clubs etc. Nurseries/Childminders School transport teams Social Care staff and foster carers STRUT House/Haven Cottage Voluntary agencies - AFC, SENSE, STRUT in the Community
Children receiving domiciliary care from LCHS Children entitled to care funded by Continuing Health Care – either PHB or agency carers Children entitled to care funded by Direct Payment (Social care) Short Breaks Providers
Facts and figures Approx 800 children/young people From April March training sessions Over 3000 individuals trained
Referral to service Referrals taken from:- Families Schools/nurseries Social Care Continuing Care Short Breaks Providers
Consent Verbal Consent from parents Written consent/service information Enables access to medical records to ensure child specific training
Training General or child specific Theory Practical demonstration/support Competency assessment Annual review/refresher
Team contacts Office – Mobiles:- Julie Dixon John Gowans Helen Moig Jenna Humphrey Julie Smith Fiona Guinness
Team base St Francis School Wickenby Crescent Lincoln LN1 3TJ
Any questions?
Epilepsy What is epilepsy? Epilepsy is a tendency to have recurrent seizures normally diagnosed after 2 or more seizures Idiopathic/cryptogenic – no known cause Symptomatic – damage to brain from variety of reasons
Epilepsy Support Affects 1:80 children/young people 75 people per day diagnosed in UK 40 types of seizure
Epilepsy Support Impact varies Need for support varies Myths and misconceptions Stigma
Epilepsy Support Risk assessment Adult support Emergency medication