urban Having to do with or located in a city. Urban areas are full of skyscrapers.
Ranger A person that keeps up a forest or park. The park ranger taught my camp group about snakes.
tasks Pieces of work to be done as part of one’s duty. Did you complete all of your tasks for homework?
tours Short trips for seeing someplace. They give tours at the Visitor's Center so that people can learn about Kannapolis.
statues Forms modeled or carved out of materials such as stone, clay, metal, or wood. There is a bulldog statue in the hall.
Protect To keep from harm, attack, or injury. Mother cubs always protect their cubs.
habitat The place where a plant or animal normally lives. Many bears make their habitat in a cave.
wades Walking through water. My grandpa wades in the water when he goes fly fishing.
exploring Studying or looking into. We went exploring through the woods.
oak A type of tree. The acorn fell out of the oak tree.