Week to Date Chart of Part A Crimes
Robbery: 1 Brookline Pl Burglaries: 2 St. Paul St Larceny: 7 3 Shoplifting 2 Bike 1 Car Break 1 Building Weekly Overview This past week, there were 10 Part A Crimes reported:
Last Week’s Reported Part A Crimes & Attempts By Sector MurderRapeRobberyAssaultBurglaryLarcenyMV TheftTotal Sec Sec Sec 3 Sec 4 Sec 5 11 Sec 6 Sec 7 Sec 8 Sec 9 11 This past week, there were 10 Part A Crimes reported and 0 Attempts:
There was 1 Robbery reported last week Brookline Place: On 9/10, the clerk at Village Market, stated that he had just been robbed by a black male with a handgun. Suspect #1 was described as a black male 5’10” in his 40s wearing a black shirt and black hat who brandished a silver handgun. Suspect #2 was also a black male, approximately 6’0” wearing a light colored doowrag, white t-shirt and black pants who remained outside the store. Suspect pointed the gun at victim and ordered him to open the Lottery drawer. Victim did as he was told, and suspect excited the store with an unknown amount of cash. The suspects were arrested on 9/11 by Boston Police for a series of armed robberies in Boston/Brookline. The suspects, both Boston residents, were in possession of a loaded.38 firearm at the time of their arrest. Robbery
Robbery Trend
There were 2 Burglaries reported last week: St Paul St: On 9/12 between 2230hrs and 200hrs on 9/13, a burglary took place in an apartment St. Paul St. Upon arrival, officers spoke with victim, who stated that he and his 3 roommates had all left together for a couple of hours at 2230 on 9/12, and when they returned, he discovered his laptop missing. It appears the point of entry was an unsecured bedroom window. The only stolen property was victims laptop. St Paul St: On 9/13 officers were dispatched to an apartment on St. Paul St. for a report of a past burglary. Upon arrival, officers met with victim who explained that she left her apartment at approximately 2100hrs on 9/12 and when she returned at approximately 1015hrs on 9/13 she discovered her laptop missing from her bed and her windows open. Apparent point of entry seems to be one of the unsecured windows. Suspect then left through the back door. Burglary
Car Break There was 1 Larceny - Car Break reported last week. Case #DateTimeAddressSecPOEForceProp /11-9/ Monmouth Ct2DoorLocked Assorted clothes and jewelry
Car Break
Bike Theft There were 2 Bikes reported stolen last week Case #DateTimeAddressSecLocationForceDescription /7-9/ Washington St5 Inner VestibuleUnsecured Stylized Men's Bike, 27 speed, Granite Gray in color with neon green stripes/graphics / V F W Pk9 In front of house, behind bushesUnsecured Female lotus red frame, black splotches, 27’ wheels, long chrome handlebars
Bike Theft Trend Bike Thefts by Sector Sector Total Bike Thefts by Month Month Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov506 4 Dec450 0 Total
Package Theft
Traffic Crashes for the Week of 9/7-9/13 Between 9/7– and 9/13 there were 22 CAD calls for traffic crashes, down from 27 crashes the prior week. The temporal grid below shows the day/time relationship for this week’s crashes Monday Tuesday1111 Wednesday11111 Thursday112 Friday Saturday11 Sunday1 DateDayTimeLocation# of VehINJReportReasonCitationType 9/8/2015Tuesday10:38Harvard St1NYNegligenceU Crash/pedest rian 9/8/2015Tuesday14:19 Abbottsford Rd/Hamilton Rd2NYNegligenceU Crash/Town Property 9/8/2015Tuesday17:41Beacon St/St Marys ST2YYSide SwipeYBike 9/8/2015Tuesday20:21Beacon St/Williston Rd2UUUnknownUHit and Run 9/9/2015Wednesday7:46Boylston St/Fisher Av 9/9/2015Wednesday9:04Beacon St/Carlton St2NUUnknownUCrash 9/9/2015Wednesday10:23Glenoe Rd/Hammond St 9/9/2015Wednesday14:52Clyde St2NY Following too closelyYCrash 9/9/2015Wednesday17:28 Horace James CrUUUUnknownUCrash 9/10/2015Thursday8:19Longwood Av/St Paul StUUUUnknownU Accident/Bik e 9/10/2015Thursday15:14W Rox Pk2UUUnknownUHit and Run 9/10/2015Thursday17:02Washington St/Fairbanks St2NUUnknownUCrash 9/10/2015Thursday17:12 Horace James Cr2NUUnknownUCrash 9/11/2015Friday:56V F W Pk/Boston City LineUYUUnknownUCrash with PI 9/11/2015Friday7:07Harvard St 9/11/2015Friday9:30Horace James CrUUUUnknownUCrash 9/11/2015Friday15:37Strathmore Rd2NYNegligenceUCrash 9/11/2015Friday18:11Newton St/Wolcott RdUUUUnknownUCrash 9/11/2015Friday18:48Greenough St/Tappan St2NYWide TurnUCrash 9/12/2015Saturday19:49 Beacon St2UUUnknownUCrash 9/12/2015Saturday22:30Beacon St2UUUnknownUCrash 9/13/2015Sunday11:06High St/Cypress St2YY Evasive ManeuverUCrash
Traffic Crashes YTD 2015 Year to date, there have been 976 crashes (reported through dispatch) Top Crash Prone Locations (specific intersections/addresses w/ multiple crashes): Horace James Circle – 32 Boylston/Hammond – 14 Boylston/Cypress – 11 Boylston/Washington – 7 Boylston/Dunster – 9 Hot Spots (areas with greater density of crashes): Brookline Village, Coolidge Corner, Cypress/Rte 9, Rte 9/Lee/CH Ave. Rte 9/Hammond, Horace James, Washington Square The day of the week with the greatest volume of crashes is Thursday, followed by Tuesday and Friday The time of day with the greatest number of crashes is between 1400 and 1600hrs, which coincides with the commute home after work. The time of day with the second greatest number of crashes is between 700 and 900hrs, which coincides with the commute to work.