Referencing Skills Academic Study Skills
Aims of session are to raise awareness: of the importance of using the correct reference system at University. of the variety of referencing styles that can be used. of the need for you to be proactive in sourcing the information you need when you start University. Academic Study Skills
Objectives By the end of the session you will be able to: identify 3 reasons why referencing is important name 3 different reference styles describe the process involved when referencing demonstrate knowledge of one of the Harvard styles of referencing for books and journals identify how to access support at university Academic Study Skills
Some student views... Academic Study Skills
Definition of Plagiarism Plagiarism at Edinburgh Napier is defined as the unacknowledged incorporation in a student’s work either in an examination or assessment of material derived from the work (published or unpublished) of another. Edinburgh Napier University Be Wise, Don’t Plagiarise. [online]. Available from: [Accessed 12 December 2011] Academic Study Skills
The Importance of Correct Referencing ×You will lose marks if it is not done correctly ×Second attempts will have a maximum pass mark ×For severe or repeat offences, the penalties may include exclusion from course and/or University If done correctly it is EASY MARKS! It will demonstrate research and further reading You can support your argument with evidence from others in your own words! Academic Study Skills
The importance of referencing in the correct style There are a number of different styles of referencing including: Harvard MLA - literature, arts and Humanities MHRA - “footnotes style”, designed by Modern Humanities Research Association APA - psychology, education, social sciences Chicago - "real world" Turabian - history Academic Study Skills
Harvard style Is the most commonly used style BUT there are variations within the Harvard system YOU must check with your lecturer – different styles can be used within the one university Academic Study Skills
What information do you need to reference a book? Author Year Title of book Place of publication Name of publisher Complete Activity 1 Academic Study Skills
Referencing a book, Harvard style Referencing a Book Hill, M. (2000). Understanding Social Policy. 6 th ed. Oxford: Blackwell. Referencing a chapter Hill, M. (2000). The Making of Social Policy. In: Understanding Social Policy. 6 th ed. Oxford: Blackwell. pp Academic Study Skills
What information do you need to reference a journal? Author Year Name of article Title of journal Volume of journal (including part number, month or season) & page number Academic Study Skills
Referencing a journal, Harvard style Dench, G. (2011). Rethinking the sociology of the family, Sociology Review. 21 (1), pp.2-5. Academic Study Skills When citing in text use (Dench 2011)
Test your knowledge! Which is the right reference for a book? 1. Ham, C. et al. (1992). Health Policy in Britain: the politics and organisation of the National Health Service. 3 rd Ed. London: Macmillan. 2. Ham, Carol. et al Health Policy in Britain: the politics and organisation of the National Health Service. 3 rd Ed. London: Macmillan. 3. Ham, C. et al. (1992). Health Policy in Britain: the politics and organisation of the National Health Service. 3 rd Ed. Macmillan: London. Academic Study Skills
Test your knowledge! Which is the right reference for a journal? 1. Ray, S.L Whistleblowing and organisational ethics. Nursing Ethics. 13(4), pages Ray, S.L Whistleblowing and organisational ethics. Nursing Ethics. 13(4), pp Ray, S.L. (2006). Whistleblowing and organisational ethics. Nursing Ethics. 13(4), pp Academic Study Skills
Try for yourself! Alloa groups Use the books provided to write the references. Examples of Referencing Books Johnson,S.(2006). The Present. London:Transworld Publisher. Fyall,A. Garrod,B. Leask,A. (2003). Managing Visitor Attractions. Oxford: Heinemann. Bisacre,J. Keenan,D. (2005). Company Law. 13 th ed. Essex: Pearson Education Limited. Example of Quoting direct from a book in your Essay/Report (Citation) “……….”(Keenan, 2005,p.93) Academic Study Skills
Try for yourself! Stirling Groups Academic Study Skills Referencing a Book Referencing a chapter Peacock, D.G. and Richardson, J.F. (1994). Chemical Engineering. 3 rd ed. Oxford: Elsevier Science Ltd. Walsh, D.M. (2008) Introduction to low-frequency currents. In: Electrotherapy. Evidence-based practice. 12 th ed. Philadephia: Elsevier Ltd. pp
Try for yourself! Falkirk Groups Academic Study Skills Referencing a Book Referencing a chapter Foster, J.S. et al.(2007) Mitchell’s Structure and Fabric. 7 th ed. Essex: Pearson Education Limted Mullins, D. & Murie, A. (2006). Home Ownership in Transition. In: Housing Policy in the UK. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. pp
Book with 1 Author Format: Author – Surname, Initials. (ed.) or (eds.) – in brackets for editor(s). (Year of publication – in brackets). Book Title – in italics or underlined. Series title and volume – if available. Edition – if not the first. Place of Publication: Publisher. Bibliography example: Neville, C. (2007). The Complete guide to Referencing and Avoiding Plagiarism. Maidenhead: Open University Press. Book with 2 Authors Format: Author – Surname, Initials. & Author – Surname, Initials. (ed.) or (eds.) – in brackets for editor(s). (Year of publication – in brackets). Book Title – in italics or underlined. Series title and volume – if available. Edition – if not the first. Place of Publication: Publisher. Bibliography Example: Hawkins, R. & Middleton, V.T.C. (1998). Sustainable Tourism: A Marketing Perspective. Oxford: Butterworth- Heinemann. Book with 3 Authors Format: Author – Surname, Initials. Author – Surname, Initials & Author – Surname, Initials. (Year of publication – in brackets). Book Title – in italics or underlined. Series title and volume – if available. Edition – if not the first. Place of Publication: Publisher. Bibliography Example: Boyle, J. Bradbury, I. & Morse, A. (2002). Scientific Principles for Geographers. Harlow: Prentice Hall. Academic Study Skills
Tips and Tools Gather your sources as you research Use online software to compile your references, or a word document, or cards – whatever suits you! Seek out support at University from library staff, written guides and/or teaching staff’s easy marks! Academic Study Skills
Session Review... We hope you are confident and can now: Identify 3 reasons why correct referencing is important Name 3 different reference styles Describe the process involved when referencing materials Demonstrate knowledge of one of the Harvard styles of referencing Identify how to access support at university Questions? Academic Study Skills