Student Name : WORKBOOK A Work through this pack completing the tasks to provide evidence for P2 : P1 “Describe the organisation and provision of two outdoor and adventurous activities” M1 “Compare the organisation and provision of two outdoor and adventurous activities” Learning Outcomes: Know about the organisation and provision of outdoor and adventurous activities Further information can be found in the BTEC textbook “BTEC First Sport ”. References are given on each page.
The National Governing Body for Sailing is ……………….. And they are responsible for ………………… The National Governing Body for Windsurfing is……………………. And they are responsible for……………………………. Task 1: a)Since starting the BTEC OAA course you have really started to enjoy the Sailing/ Windsurfing and decided to find out more about the sport. Therefore, you must describe below the following: 1)Who is the National Governing Body for Sailing? 2)Who is the National Governing Body for Windsurfing? 3)Who do they represent?
In order to become involved in Sailing/Windsurfing I would need to ……………….. My local clubs and watersports centre is …………… Task 2: a)You must describe below how you can become involved in Sailing /Windsurfing: b)You must also highlight where your local clubs are?
In Task 3: a)Upon visiting your local club and really liking the sport you notice that Sailing and Windsurfing sport awards are issued when you show improvement in your skills. Being a novice at the sport you have decided to go for an introductory award. Describe the structure of the first award using the following information with regards to how you obtain a certificate: 1)The aim of the course. How the award scheme works. 2)The type of craft you are able to obtain the award in. 3)The personal Sailing, rescue, safety, leadership and group skills and theory knowledge you must have in order to gain the certificate.
In Task 4: a)Congratulations on achieving a Beginers certificate and having the necessary skills to Sail in a straight line for 100 metres. Being over the moon with gaining your first qualification in Sailing/ Windsurfing you are eager to gain the next level award. Highlight below the following information with regards to how you obtain the next certificate up: 1)The aim of the next certificate 2)The type of craft you are able to obtain the award in 3)The pre-requisites which you must hold 4)The personalSailing, rescue, safety, leadership and group skills and theory knowledge you must have in order to gain the certificate.
Task 5: a)Having now acquired a Higher award, you have found yourself becoming involved as an assistant coach and really enjoyed seeing the development of the younger years. You have therefore decided to undertake a level 1 coaching award. You must describe below the following information about the award: 1)What is the new level 1 coaching award? 2)Who is the level one award for? 3)Is it discipline specific? 4)What can a level 1 coach do? And how many other levels are there? 5)What are the pre-requisites of attending a level 1 course?
Task 6: a)Prior to attending a level 1 coaching course you must register with the RYA and become a member. Highlight the following information below: 1)What you get with your membership? 2) What is the membership used for by the RYA?