R&I policy in Ukraine Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine Dmytro Cheberkus Director of the Department of Science and Technology Development, PhD
Ukraine today before 2014 Area: 603,500 km2 Population: 44,429,471 GDP (PPP): $ billion
Infrastructure of science, technology, and innovation activities 1,506 scientific institutions and organizations 126,000 persons are directly engaged in research and engineering activities 4,132 doctors and over 20,000 candidates of science Research and technology parks (16) Innovation business incubators (28) Innovation centers (25)
Ukraine today in general 26 Ukrainian Universities and research institutions and scientists have been forced to move from the occupied territories 12.8% of territory occupied over 1.5 mln. persons relocated from the occupied territories 26 Ukrainian Universities and research institutions and scientists have been forced to move from the occupied territories 12.8% of territory occupied over 1.5 mln. persons relocated from the occupied territories
The most advanced directions of Ukrainian science nuclear science new materials IT- technologies physics and astronomy engeneering biotechnology agricultural technologies
The most advanced directions of Ukrainian science (Documents by subject areas, SCImago, 2014)
The GDP expenditures for R&D (2015) 0,6
Countries ranking due to publication activity (SCImago, 2014)
Legislative framework of R&I policy Law of Ukraine “On Scientific and Scientific-Technical Activity”, 2015 Law of Ukraine “On the priority directions of science and technology”, 2001 Law of Ukraine “On Scientific and Scientific Technical Expertise”, 1995 Law of Ukraine “On State Regulation of Activity in the Sphere of Transfer of Technologies”, 2006 Law of Ukraine “On Scientific Parks”, 2009 Law of Ukraine “On Special Regime of Investment and Innovation Activity of Technological Parks”, 1999
Innovations in R&I policy due to the new Law “On Scientific and Scientific-Technical Activity” Establishing of the National Council of Ukraine on the development of science and technology, headed by the Prime Minister of Ukraine Establishing of the National Research Foundation for granting research and developments projects Election to all executive positions in academies (max for 2 terms) Red tape reduction aimed to improve the mobility of scientists Universities and research institutions may establish startups by adding intellectual property to initial capital
President Cabinet of Minister of Ukraine Parliament National Council of Ukraine on the development of science and technology National academy of science of Ukraine Sectoral Academies of Sciences of Ukraine Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine Central authorities of Ukraine UKR OBORON PROM National Research Foundation of Ukraine Universities, research institutions Research institutions Institutional framework of R&I policy Research institutions Universities, research institutions
Further steps in R&I policy to 2017 validation of state research institutions and universities aimed to improvement of science budgeting system increasing state budget expenditure for R&D grants increasing the share of science financing from state budget establishing special financial support for young scientists special financial support for material and technical resources of research institutions and universities financial support for accession to the R&D database (Scopus, Web of science etc.) establishment of the National Research Foundation of Ukraine enlarging cooperation in the framework of the HORIZON 2020
Priority directions of the R&D in Ukraine until 2020 Fundamental research Information and Communication Technologies Energy and Energy Efficiency Rational environmental management Life sciences, new technologies on prevention and treatment of the most common diseases New substances and materials
State Target Science and Technology Program on Realization of Research in Antarctic for The targeted scientific and technical space program State target program of innovation infrastructure development (draft) State target program on marine research for 2025 (draft) State Target Programs in the science and technology sector State Target Programs in the science and technology sector
Tools for international cooperation Horizon 2020 (Ukraine – associated member since 17/08/2015) STCU tools (Ukraine, UE, USA participates in STCU, Moldova benefits STCU tools) CRDF, NATO and other international organization Bilateral cooperation
Ukraine joins Horizon 2020 to work with EU in science and research The agreement opens a wide range of new opportunities to Ukrainian research institutions, universities and businesses across the whole research and innovation value chain, from fundamental research up to close-to-market activities. For instance, Ukraine will now be able to host European Research Council (ERC) grants, apply for financial support to innovative SMEs, benefit from support for scientific excellence and other research policies and participate in the governance structures of the programme
R&D The funding Ukrainian R&D projects within the program HORIZON 2020 in 2015
Thank you for attention Cheberkus Dmytro Director of the Department of Science and Technology Development, PhD Tel./ fax.: