Kittrell Job Corps Center Maria Cogdell – President Jacoby Carter – Vice President Rebekah Holland – Secretary Jabria Beard – Treasurer Tyler Harris – Chief Justice
Students are constantly participating in illegal activities on center, such as smoking cigarettes, marijuana, consuming alcohol,using narcotics, and engaging in prohibited sexual activity.
Our challenge is to create a positive environment in order to decrease drug usage, student terminations, and sexual transmitted diseases on campus. The reason why this challenge is important for us to accomplish, is because more money on center is used for STD treatment, instead of positive incentives, or medicine for ill students.
TASK PERSON RESPONSIBLE DUE DATE Talk to the Center Director to let our ideas be shared to student body Maria Cogdell (President) May 5, 2014 Gather ideas from SGA team, to present to student body Jacoby Carter (Vice President) May 10, 2014 Write down all ideas making sure that they are appropriate. Rebekah Holland (Secretary) May 10, 2014
TASK PERSON RESPONSIBLE DUE DATE Listen to the concerns of the student body. Maria Cogdell (President) May 20, 2014 Assists the president in making decisions for the student body. Jacoby Carter (Vice President). May 25, 2014 Decides whether Job Corp students should be terminated or retained. Decides whether Job Corp students should be terminated or retained. Tyler Harris (Chief Justice) May 25, 2014
In conclusion Students are constantly participating in illegal activity on center, such as smoking cigarettes, marijuana, consuming alcohol, using narcotics, and engaging in prohibited sexual activity.
In Conclusion, Cont. How will we know that we have accomplished our goals? There will be less terminations, write ups, and suspensions. We will also have more money to spend on extra curricular activities.
Thank You Kittrell Job Corps Center