Research Method 1 Task 1 By Arlina bt Ahmad Zaki Matric number: P71694
Explain about the five points of internal critique on quantitative method. 1) Context Stripping o Go through randomization to focus on selected subsets o Why is bad? Other variables might alter findings and similar research can only be done under “stripped” situation. o Balance it by providing Contextual information.
Explain about the five points of internal critique on quantitative method. 2) Exclusion of meaning and purpose o No reference to meanings and purposes attached by other people
3) Disjunction of grand theories with local contexts: The etic/emic dilemma o In quantitative, etic theory (outsider) have little or no meaning to emic view (insider). o Can cause failure to provide Accounts of non mainstream lives Materials for criticism Explain about the five points of internal critique on quantitative method.
4) inapplicability of general data to individual cases o Generalization is not applicable to individual cases and may cause ambiguities.
5) Exclusion of the discovery dimension in inquiry o Emphasis to clarify a specific pre hypotheses. o Discovery process might be over-looked. Explain about the five points of internal critique on quantitative method.
Explain the difference between Positivist and Postpositivist from the view of Ontology, Epistomology and Methodology PositivismPostpositivism Ontology Efforts to verify prior hypotheses Single external reality Knowledge is summarized to be context-free generalization. Efforts to falsify prior hypotheses Conclusions are revisable Variables are subjected to the widest possible critical explanation to apprehend reality
PositivismPostpositivism Epistemology Reality but perceived Research focus on generalization Thought governed by hypotheses Any threats to validity will be reduced/ eliminated Reality but probability perceived Ability to see an overview Special emphasis on external objectivity Explain the difference between Positivist and Postpositivist from the view of Ontology, Epistomology and Methodology
PositivismPostpositivism Methodology Manipulative to verify hypotheses. Uses quantitative methods. Detached external observer Modified experimental Has multiple critical falsification of hypotheses May include qualitative methods
Person’s paradigm can influence their research conduct because all methods have different nature when conducting. Example: Researcher A o Wants to study ways to improve Form 4 students’ writing skills by using genre-based approach o Some students are discarded form the research because they cannot cope with the majority who are improving o More quantitative manner: no considerations and stripped situation Example: Researcher B o Also wants to study ways to improve Form 4 students’ writing skills by using genre-based approach o After few observations, change genre-based approach to process approach to cater some students who are having trouble. o More qualitative manner: hypotheses subjective, empathetic understanding Discuss and give a realistic example on how a person’s paradigm influences their way of conducting research
Conclusion: A person’s paradigm can influence their research conduct as the findings can either be generalized or provide a particular finding through an insider’s viewpoint.