Techbook Chapter 3 Mr. Shanahan Dr. Coladonato 7 th Grade History
A. Three wars b/w France and England occurred during the period In 1754 – The French and Indian War begins in Europe it was called the Seven Years War. I. Introduction Which country paired up with which Native American Tribe?
EnglishIroquois FrenchAlgonquin Click for the players in the war
II. Drama at Fort Necessity A. War started Ohio River Valley 1. Colonists claimed land in upper Ohio R. Valley. 2. Battle at Fort Necessity- George Washington + colonists are defeated. Washington At 20, made less money, due to non-British status. He was born in VA. He still carried the British flag Into battle. Movie Time
Albany Plan of Union- (Ben Franklin) 1754 Issues Discussed. Indians Make laws2.Set up defense colonies Relations w/ Indians Colonial Defense 3. Raise taxes 1. King to appoint President-General 2. Colonial assemblies to elect Grand Council Grand Council to deal with: 1 1. Each colony wanted to be independent 2. Parliament wanted to keep colonies disunited because if united the colonies would threaten British control 1.British wanted alliance w/ in N.Y. colonists were taking land illegally Method of Raising Taxes (Duties) Conclusion: Plan not a success Details
Massachusetts Bay 7 New Hampshire 2 Connecticut 5 Rhode Island 2 New York 4 New Jersey 3 Pennsylvania 6 Maryland 4 Virginia 7 North Carolina 4 South Carolina 4 What are the amount of representatives based on ?representatives COLONIESCOLONIES N U M B E R O F R E P S.
These are based on the size of the population. The higher the population The more representatives a colony will have. Population Representatives
English Setbacks (1755) General Braddock fought European style. Lost many battles. In William Pitt (P.M.) sent elite Generals from England to fight the French. Br. seized Fort Duquesne > called Ft. Pitt.
Ben Franklin was the leader of the Albany Plan of Union. What was the point Franklin was trying to make with this illustration?
Does the Albany Plan of Union work?Albany Plan of Union The Five Million Dollar Question Click on Me
No Why? Representatives did not want to give up their colony’s power
French Advantages New France had one govt.New France had one govt. Allied with Algonquin French Disadvantage no representatives, orders were taken from France British Advantages Allied with Iroquois Larger population than N. France Colonies easier to defend than N. France Britain had strongest Navy in the world
Of ten Native Americans would scalp those they captured. One would possess the scalp as a trophy. Scalping was considered an act of heroism.
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The end and a new war By September 1760, the British controlled all of the North American frontier the war between the two countries was effectively over in the year 1763: Treaty of Paris France was forced to surrender all of her American possessions to the British. Although the war with the French ended in 1763, the British continued to fight with the Indians over the issue of land claims. "Pontiac's War" flared shortly after the Treaty of Paris was signed
North America 1763: Where did Spain come from? How did they get all this land? Silly idea: But Spain tried to help France, but when France lost so did Spain
This is what the North American picture looks like in 1763 Spain gets land west of Mississippi R. For the time being it is called Spanish Louisiana Controls port city of Louisiana England Canada Land west of the Appalachian Mts. up to the Mississippi River. Florida France Controlled 1 or 2 sugar- growing island in the West Indies Click For time Line.
1753-Before the Treaty of Paris After the Treaty of Paris