Robbery: 1 Beacon Street Burglaries: 1 (1 attempted) Harvard Street MV Theft: 1 Harvard Street/Marion Street Larcenies: 11 3 Packages, 3 Cash/Wallet/Purse, 3 Misc, 1 Bike, 1 Shoplifting, Weekly Overview
Last Week’s Reported Part A Crimes By Sector MurderRapeRobberyAssaultBurglaryLarcenyMV TheftTotal Sec 111 Sec Sec 3134 Sec 433 Sec 5123 Sec 6 Sec 7 Sec 8 Sec 911
There was 1 Robbery reported last week Beacon Street Arrest Made Robbery
Assault Trend
Burglary There were 2 Burglaries reported last week, and 1 Attempt: Harvard Street - On 1/2 at 0207hrs, SP, smashed the front window. Harvard Street - SP pried open a basement storage stealing some items. Harvard Street - Attempted break. Damage to glass on front door sometime overnight on New Year’s eve.
Burglary Trend
Car Break There were 0 Larceny-Car Breaks reported last week. Case #DateTimeAddressSecPOEForceProp
Bike Theft There was 1 Bike reported stolen last week. Case #DateTimeAddressSecLocForce /20150 Washington St3HallwayUnlocked
Bike Theft Trend Bike Thefts by Sector Sector Total Bike Thefts by Month Month Jan Feb221 0 Mar153 0 Apr393 5 May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov506 4 Dec450 0 Total
Package Theft There were 3 Package Thefts reported last week. Case #DateTimeAddressSecPackage Location /18- 12/ Linden St2Vestibule / Beacon St3Vestibule / Longwood Av2Unknown
MV Theft There was 1 MV Theft reported last week as a result of a Traffic Stop. Case #DateTimeAddressSec /301230Harvard St/Marion St2
Special Attention & Noteworthy Incidents Fraud : On 12/28 victim received a call from someone claiming to be from NSTAR. The person claiming to be from NSTAR told the victim that that power would be shut off if a payment was not made within an hour. The victim checked his invoices and found he was up to date in payments. No information or money was given. During this report, another person stated that on 12/27 someone else called three times to the business claiming to be from NSTAR and requested payment of the same amount for an overdue bill.