CHAPTER 2 Section 1: Our Political Beginnings
WHAT IS THE POINT OF GOVERNMENT? WHY DO WE NEED IT? The British saw the need for ordered government
LIMITED GOVERNMENT Government is restricted in what it may do, and every individual has certain rights that government cannot take away.
REPRESENTATIVE GOVERNMENT The idea that government should serve the will of the people
MAGNA CARTA “the Great Charter” - signed in 1215 Document forced upon the King of England to make him responsible for his actions and gave rights to citizens. Trial by Jury Due Process of Law
DUE PROCESS OF LAW Protection against the arbitrary taking o life, liberty, or property
PETITION OF RIGHT Limited the king’s power No martial law in time of peace (military takes power and suspends rights of people) No quartering soldiers Monarch must also follow the rules.
ENGLISH BILL OF RIGHTS No standing army in times of peace Free parliamentary elections Need Parliament approval for: Suspending laws or creating them Raising taxes Citizens may petition the king and not be punished.
CHARTER Written grant of authority from the king
BICAMERAL Two houses in a legislature Where have we seen a bicameral legislature before….
PROPRIETARY Colonies organized by a proprietor, a person whom the king had made a grant of land. Three Colonies: Maryland Delaware Pennsylvania
UNICAMERAL One house legislature.