Text, text, text n Environmental monitoring in Central Asia (MONECA) Environmental monitoring in Central Asia (MONECA)- bridging environmental information systems
Component Title: MONECA Objective:Environmental monitoring, reporting and data sharing is improved in the Central Asian countries and in the region as a whole, and links and partnerships are strengthened between the respective Central Asian and EU institutions. n
Important messages –We will build upon and support the continuation of activities within EURECA –We will develop capacities, infrastructure and institutional cooperation with respect to environmental information in Central Asia –We will perform our activities in close coordination with the EEA, EUROSTAT and other EU institutions involved in the implementation of the Shared Environment Information System (SEIS) –We will build up sustainable relations between central Asian and European institutions in dealing with environmental monitoring n
Expected end results 1 : Improved capacities and inter-institutional cooperation of governmental organisations in C Asia 2 : Improved content of environmental information in Central Asia and its accessibility within the region and internationally 3 : Strengthening awareness and communication of SEIS principles, approach and results in Central Asia n
Result 2: environmental information Environmental indicators for C Asia produced under UNECE JTF; inputs to indicator-based assessment for ENPI-CA Innovative ‘SEIS-compatible’ information products in the countries (indicator assessments, SOE reports & statistics) Selected data flows to Europe (EEA) and the world (Conventions) facilitated; regional / transboundary data-sets produced and made accessible on line: water (quality), climate, bio (synergies with ERCA & FLEG)? n
Approach results already achieved within other EURECA components, in particular AWARE, synergies with information-related environmental activities of IFIs and UN institutions as well as bilateral technical cooperation. activities will be implemented according to the international processes and reporting activities, CA states can meet their goals in presenting environmental information and contributing to Pan-European and global reports analysis of the legislative and organisational background, technical support activities, like common data production, data management, and lesson learned from best practises n
Producing environmental information- an example Country SOER and transboundary data n
Two country examples Kazakhstan Key message from Inception meeting –Inter-agencies collaboration on environmental data and information for the purposes of reporting to Multilateral Environmental Agreements (MEA) should be strengthened –Assistance is needed for ongoing process of upgrading the system NSoER along with development of the indicator-based NSoER for –Support for development of National Cadastres on Natural Resources is necessary Key message from country profile –The reporting process for MEA and NSoER is well established but needs further improvements –There is still a need in new methodology in the gathering of information to create the recommended indicators –It will be beneficial to join for such networks like Eye on Earth and develop the assessment of assessment projects n
Uzbekistan Key message from Inception meeting –Structuring SEIS related interagency relationship, interaction and involvement –Assess legal, procedural and technical gaps in environmental data and information management through the prism of SEIS –To render assistance in needed capacity development, networking and supplies of hardware and software to upgrade the environmental data and existing information database Key message from country profile –The environmental monitoring system is well developed and indicator database (EID) consists from 90 indicators –Although the country is not the party of Arhus Convention, the country develops regularly the NSoERs. –Further improvement of EID and analysis of its relevance to the recommended international standards and indicators needed n
Summary results Institution and capacity building, environmental information –Inception meetings –Nomination of experts and working groups –Agreement on work plan in process –Description of current status –First contacts and expert discussion on dataData availability partially discussed with some institutions –Gap analysis is running n
Summary results Promotion of SEIS principles –Participation in conferences/ meetings –Link to project Assessment of Assessments (EEA) –Link to project AWARE and continuation of their activities –Support website development –Support knowledge base development BD and Forest indicator development
Next steps Expert meeting Kazakhstan- –Discussion on the process and experts expectation –on data availability, data gaps, support needs… Expert meeting Kirgizstan –Discussion on the process and experts expectation –on data availability, data gaps, support needs… Agreement on data provision/data production
Next steps Expert meeting Turkmenistan Proposal for technical support for each country Contact to IFIs and UN organizations and projects Identification of needed experts Identification of needs for study visit Preparation of trainings
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