English Name – Citrus leaf miner Class – Insecta Order – Lepidoptera Family – Phyllocnistidae Scientific Name – Phyllocnistis citrella Origin – Asia Distribution - Worldwide
Adult The adult moth have black eye, sliver-white iridescent forewings with brown and white markings and distinct black spot on each wing tip. Adults are 2mm long with a wingspan of about 4mm.
Larva Most damaging stage is larval stage. Adult female moth after mating lays single eggs on lower or upper surface of newly emerging leaves especially young seedlings in nursery. After hatching, the young larva immediately begins feeding in the leaf and initially produce tiny, nearly invisible mines. As larva grows, these small mines become more noticeable and it’s excreta can be seen on leaf surface.
At the end of the larval stage, the larva emerge from the mine and curl the leaf around itself, as a form of protection where it completes it’s pupal stage. Peak pupal population can be found between kartik-mangsir
The host plant shows wilting and dropping of affected leaves due to reduction of photosynthesis and nutrient supply. curled leaves, stunted growth and distorted look. Severe infestation of this pest ultimately results in yield reduction and economic loss.
Biology ~ Complete metamorphosis ~ Adult longitivity is around 1-2 weeks(mostly active during evening time) ~ Eggs – (1weeks) – Larva(4 times molting) – (2-3weeks) – Pupa- (1-3weeks) - Adult ~ Peak population can be found when new seedlings emerges and growth of new leaves starts in plants. ~ Favourable temperature for development of this pest is around 70-80 degree farenheite and R.H is around 60%
Nature and extent of damage Favorite plant part for Adult moth to egg lying and damaging part for larva is especially, Young leaves and new flush of citrus trees. Adult moth don’t harm plants. larva only feeds the young emerging leaves, tender, shiny leaf flush of citrus. They don’t damage mature and broad foliage. Larva feeds the leaf surface in irregular way and leave it’s excreta behind it, this helps to identify this pest. Wilting and dropping of young leaves, curled leaves, stunted growth of seedlings and distorted look are some damaging symptoms of plant.
Management Cultural method – Avoid pruning live branches more then once a year for uniform cycle of flushing. Don’t apply high dose of nitrogen fertilizer and don’t do training and pruning during pest’s peak population. Remove the water sprout and unproductive branches from young seedlings and trees, as they may act as hiding and egg lying sites for pest.
Manually remove affected leaves and destroy them Manually remove affected leaves and destroy them. Use pheromone traps on orchard. Biological method - Naturally occurring wasps such as, cirrospilus and pnigalio species acts as larval parasitoid. Chemical method - Some safe systemic pesticides may include; ‘Imidacloprid (once a year) – at base of citrus trees. `Green light spinosad (6 times per season) `Azadirachtin (7-14 days interval depending upon pest infestation). Other frequent use pesticides may include phospomidan( 0.03% EC )or monocrotophus (0.03). etc
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