CONTACT PERSON Prof. José-Fernán Martinez COAST-GO COast-As-a-Service for unaTtended monitorinG and reactiOn
MAIN GOAL A cost effective solution integrating an increasing number of cooperative autonomous devices by means of a multi-use cognitive platform so as to provide relevant information for private and public bodies (coast-guards, customs, emergency services, etc.): Environmental monitoring and conservation assistance Support to coast cleaning Water conditions forecasting Active accident response (jellyfish, algae, sharks, spills) Unattended border control José-F Martinez
UNIQUE SELLING POINTS & CHALLENGES Self-adaptive and cross-sector cognitive platform Different levels of autonomy, task planning and pattern recognition mechanisms for co-located coastal activities. Co-location of near-shore and off-shore activities Autonomous and cooperative AUVs and UAVs RES integration (on-demand docking battery recharge) Remote operation José-F Martinez
PARTNERS Research: Communications & Vision, Artificial Intelligence, Software Engineering, Networking, Mechatronics, Automation and Control. Industry: Robot Manufacturer, Sub-sea machinery manufacturer, System integrators, Software development, Technology providers, and Certifiers. End users: Marine service providers, Oceanographic platforms, Public Emergency Bodies, Regulators, Governments, Local Communities. CONTACT PERSON Prof. José-Fernán Martinez