Example Commentary Report Research results Big Data Analytics - the extent of deployment and the accuracy of the insight 1
Demographics Big Data Analytics - the extent of deployment and the accuracy of the insight 2 SizeSectorBig data analytics (BDA) deployment status
Demographics Big Data Analytics - the extent of deployment and the accuracy of the insight 3 SizeBDA deployment status
Three areas of interest: 1: Future development and improvements 2: Data sets and infrastructure 3:Investing in and deploying Big Data analytics Big Data Analytics - the extent of deployment and the accuracy of the insight 4
1: Future development and improvements Big Data Analytics - the extent of deployment and the accuracy of the insight 5
Is BDA a business or technology priority? Big Data Analytics - the extent of deployment and the accuracy of the insight 6 Figure 1: “To which area of your organisation is Big Data analytics a priority?” (158 respondents)
Organisations trust insights, despite not always have a complete, accurate current picture Big Data Analytics - the extent of deployment and the accuracy of the insight 7 79% of private sector respondents who have started to deploy BDA trust the insights the technology produces. However, fewer than this number (69%) actually have a complete and accurate picture of their current environment, suggesting that while insights might be trustworthy, they are either not broad enough or organisations are yet to realise the potential to do this. The implication is that the management of these technologies is far from perfect Figure 2: “Do you trust the accuracy of the insights that are being reflected in your organisation's Big Data analytics?” (108 respondents whose organisation has deployed BDA) Figure 3: “Does your Big Data analytics solution enable you to capture a complete and accurate picture of your current business environment?” (108 respondents whose organisation has deployed BDA)
Are business critical decisions being made on bad data? Big Data Analytics - the extent of deployment and the accuracy of the insight 8 This is despite the fact that most say they trust the accuracy of their Big Data insights (figure 2 on the previous slide) Even amongst those who have deployed BDA, 44% say that decision-making has happened using inaccurate or old data. In other words, many of those who are using BDA have not utilised their data effectively Does this mean that organisations have data that they trust but are just not actioning it properly? Are they not seeing the potential in the technology they’ve deployed? Or is it the aforementioned management issue? This is despite the fact that most say they trust the accuracy of their Big Data insights (figure 2 on the previous slide) Even amongst those who have deployed BDA, 44% say that decision-making has happened using inaccurate or old data. In other words, many of those who are using BDA have not utilised their data effectively Does this mean that organisations have data that they trust but are just not actioning it properly? Are they not seeing the potential in the technology they’ve deployed? Or is it the aforementioned management issue? What kind of a view do organisations have of their data? Figure 4: “Do you think that your organisation could potentially be making business-critical decisions based on old or inaccurate information?” (158 respondents) Nearly half of respondents admit they may have been making important decisions with inaccurate data
2: Data sets and infrastructure Big Data Analytics - the extent of deployment and the accuracy of the insight 9
Two in five cannot understand all their data – let alone understand it in real-time Big Data Analytics - the extent of deployment and the accuracy of the insight 10 Figure 5: Analysis of which data organisations can access, and how much is accessible in real-time (158 respondents) 43% of private sector organisations cannot understand all their data… …and 25% cannot understand anything in real-time As we would expect, organisations who have deployed BDA are more likely to be able to access more data in real-time However, organisations need more than just the ability to understand data in real-time. Beyond that, organisations need to be agile enough to act on this insight and have data scientists available to turn the real-time data into this actionable insight. Do they actually manage BDA technology and the data it produces in a way that allows this? In short, though some can understand data in real-time, do they have the means to respond in real-time? …and 25% cannot understand anything in real-time As we would expect, organisations who have deployed BDA are more likely to be able to access more data in real-time However, organisations need more than just the ability to understand data in real-time. Beyond that, organisations need to be agile enough to act on this insight and have data scientists available to turn the real-time data into this actionable insight. Do they actually manage BDA technology and the data it produces in a way that allows this? In short, though some can understand data in real-time, do they have the means to respond in real-time? Where can organisations improve their view of their data?
Where do organisations lack visibility? Big Data Analytics - the extent of deployment and the accuracy of the insight 11 On top of this massive lack of visibility in the organisations’ data, speed is an issue too – as touched upon on the previous slide, 25% of organisations cannot understand anything in real-time, and on average the closest they can get is data that is 2 days old There are further limitations to data analysis too, as almost a third (31%) of those who have deployed BDA cannot analyse both structured and unstructured data and of those who cannot do both, only 8% can analyse any unstructured data On top of this massive lack of visibility in the organisations’ data, speed is an issue too – as touched upon on the previous slide, 25% of organisations cannot understand anything in real-time, and on average the closest they can get is data that is 2 days old There are further limitations to data analysis too, as almost a third (31%) of those who have deployed BDA cannot analyse both structured and unstructured data and of those who cannot do both, only 8% can analyse any unstructured data So it seems that the picture of the business that data is creating is limited. But who can access it? Figure 6: “What percentage of your data-sets are analysed by your Big Data analytics solution?” and “Are you able to extract the full value of your information using Big Data analytics?” (showing the yes answers) (108 respondents whose organisation has deployed BDA) Those who have deployed BDA can only analyse 40% of their data sets, and only 56% of them can extract the full value of their information using BDA
Do lines of business have access to relevant real-time data? Big Data Analytics - the extent of deployment and the accuracy of the insight 12 Figure 7: “Can lines of business within your organisation access real-time data relevant to them?” (158 respondents) Figure 8: “Is this inability preventing business leaders from making transformative business decisions?” (31 respondents whose organisation cannot provide real- time, relevant data to lines of business) Three in five respondents from private organisations report that lines of business can access data in real-time that is relevant to them. Considering the statistics we have already seen, this figure does seem high. This may be because organisations have some lines of business that can do this, but not all – or the certain lines of business that can do this don’t have much data to look at, so it’s easier to manage? The result of this inability (reported by 20% of respondents) is serious – 61% of private sector respondents in organisations who can’t provide real-time relevant information admit it is preventing business leaders from making transformative business decisions For the organisations that are unable to provide data to lines of business in real- time, the main reasons cited are the complexity of the data pulled (52%) and the business working in silos (45%) The result of this inability (reported by 20% of respondents) is serious – 61% of private sector respondents in organisations who can’t provide real-time relevant information admit it is preventing business leaders from making transformative business decisions For the organisations that are unable to provide data to lines of business in real- time, the main reasons cited are the complexity of the data pulled (52%) and the business working in silos (45%)
BDA offers a multitude of benefits Big Data Analytics - the extent of deployment and the accuracy of the insight 13 Figure 9: “What are/would be the top three benefits of Big Data analytics within your organisation?” (158 respondents) Figure 10: “How do you think Big Data analytics would enable business development in your industry?” (45 respondents whose organisations have not started deploying Big Data analytics solutions) Nearly nine in ten (88%) private sector respondents believe BDA is or would enable their organisation to provide a better customer service On top of that, figure 9 below shows that around half of respondents think real-time information is, or would be a benefit of a BDA solution, and a significant minority believe improved planning and budgeting and greater insights into areas for cost savings to be possible benefits Nearly nine in ten (88%) private sector respondents believe BDA is or would enable their organisation to provide a better customer service On top of that, figure 9 below shows that around half of respondents think real-time information is, or would be a benefit of a BDA solution, and a significant minority believe improved planning and budgeting and greater insights into areas for cost savings to be possible benefits Even those who have not deployed BDA understand that there could be benefits in doing so, shown below (which may explain why so many of this group still intend to address the issue) What is driving the investment in BDA? Even those who have not deployed BDA understand that there could be benefits in doing so, shown below (which may explain why so many of this group still intend to address the issue) What is driving the investment in BDA?
3:Investing in and deploying Big Data analytics Big Data Analytics - the extent of deployment and the accuracy of the insight 14
What drives Big Data investment? Big Data Analytics - the extent of deployment and the accuracy of the insight 15 Figure 11: “What are/would be the main drivers for investment in Big Data solutions (including analytics) within your organisation?” (158 respondents) Almost two thirds feel Big Data (including BDA) supports business strategy Respondents from private organisations stated two drivers for investment in Big Data solutions on average, showing that there is often more than one reason to invest in the proposition and that the technology is multifunctional with many benefits to offer The three top drivers to the right are around strategy and innovation. This proves that while Big Data might be seen as something that lives under the IT umbrella, if managed or manipulated correctly by data scientists its reach could actually be much wider and influence an organisation as a whole – right down to its core strategies Respondents from private organisations stated two drivers for investment in Big Data solutions on average, showing that there is often more than one reason to invest in the proposition and that the technology is multifunctional with many benefits to offer The three top drivers to the right are around strategy and innovation. This proves that while Big Data might be seen as something that lives under the IT umbrella, if managed or manipulated correctly by data scientists its reach could actually be much wider and influence an organisation as a whole – right down to its core strategies So what about BDA specifically? What do organisations want a BDA solution to do?
What do organisations want from a BDA solution? Big Data Analytics - the extent of deployment and the accuracy of the insight 16 Private sector respondents named between three and four areas from the list to the left that they would like their BDA solution to do on average (in the case of those who have already deployed BDA these are things that they can’t already do) This shows that organisations have high hopes for BDA and want it to do many different things, perhaps because they are concerned about the ROI it offers? Whatever the reason, in order for BDA to deliver to its full potential it must be managed appropriately with the ability to turn the data into actionable business insights Private sector respondents named between three and four areas from the list to the left that they would like their BDA solution to do on average (in the case of those who have already deployed BDA these are things that they can’t already do) This shows that organisations have high hopes for BDA and want it to do many different things, perhaps because they are concerned about the ROI it offers? Whatever the reason, in order for BDA to deliver to its full potential it must be managed appropriately with the ability to turn the data into actionable business insights But what are (or were) the barriers preventing organisations from being able to adopt Big Data solutions? Figure 12: “What would you like your Big Data analytics solution to enable your organisation to do?” (158 respondents) NB: those who have deployed BDA were not shown answers they had previously selected as currently being able to do Again, IT respondents named business focused areas like innovation as targets for BDA
Roadblocks for adoption of Big Data solutions Big Data Analytics - the extent of deployment and the accuracy of the insight 17 Figure 13: “What are/were the barriers preventing you from adopting Big Data solutions (including Big Data analytics)?” (158 respondents) Cost and an unclear ROI are the main inhibitors to implementing Big Data solutions However, three in ten IT respondents from the private sector mentioned that the reasons for not investing in Big Data solutions (including BDA) is because it’s not a business priority This percentage does change depending if an organisation has deployed BDA or not; among those who have (and have therefore pushed through any roadblocks) only 19% stated it wasn’t a business priority and that alone was a factor in the adoption process. However, 55% of those who are yet to deploy BDA state that a reason for this is because it’s not a business priority The good news around this is that 41% of those who are yet to invest in BDA do say that it is becoming a business priority However, three in ten IT respondents from the private sector mentioned that the reasons for not investing in Big Data solutions (including BDA) is because it’s not a business priority This percentage does change depending if an organisation has deployed BDA or not; among those who have (and have therefore pushed through any roadblocks) only 19% stated it wasn’t a business priority and that alone was a factor in the adoption process. However, 55% of those who are yet to deploy BDA state that a reason for this is because it’s not a business priority The good news around this is that 41% of those who are yet to invest in BDA do say that it is becoming a business priority Does this mean that there will soon be an increased uptake in the technology?
What inhibits BDA adoption? Big Data Analytics - the extent of deployment and the accuracy of the insight 18 Figure 14: “What are/were the major challenges to Big Data analytics adoption?” (158 respondents)
In summary… Big Data Analytics - the extent of deployment and the accuracy of the insight 19 82% of surveyed private sector organisations have invested in BDA, and 83% of them (68% of the total) have deployed these solutions ...and there is interest and recognition among those who are yet to invest, as over half of this group do plan to address the challenge at some point in the future BDA is a business and/or IT priority to a small number of organisations, but is becoming a priority in many more Organisations who have deployed BDA appear to trust the accuracy of the insights provided, but have areas where the vision this data provides to the business is incomplete This is likely because while the technology is working well, the organisation as a whole is not managing the solution in order to exploit its full potential. For example, an organisation might well receive critical data – but is it in real-time? Is it relevant? Has it been manipulated and interpreted by a data scientist to actually turn it into a useful, actionable piece of information? There are a multitude of benefits offered by BDA; anything from enhancing customer experience, to real- time information and improved planning and budgeting were all named by IT respondents as possibilities Even those still yet to invest recognise the potential benefits Drivers for investment span much further than just the walls of the IT department. IT respondents surveyed are naming things like supporting business strategy and increasing and improving innovation as reasons to invest in Big Data Does this mean that the gap between the business and IT is finally starting to be closed? Is Big Data and analytics the bridge between the two? If IT can provide the business with valuable insights which benefit the core strengths of the company, and the board members can overcome concerns about ROI and take the plunge, will we see the way organisations do business drastically change for the better? Perhaps – but it still all comes down to management. You can only get so far with technology – someone – be it within business or IT – has to take the responsibility of managing the data and the insights derived from it
Big Data Analytics – the extent of deployment and the accuracy of the insight Research results Big Data Analytics - the extent of deployment and the accuracy of the insight 20