Olivier Lukau Nzanza BCDC DRC Democratic Republic of Congo List of Representatives for SADC BA ATM Work Stream David Chewe CEO –Bankers Association Zambia IPL for Zambia Chairperson of SADCBA ATM Work Stream
John F. Balcou FNB Lesotho Lesotho Mind Mabhunu Standard Bank South Africa Yaya Mpungose Swaziland
Ryan Geyser Bank Windhoek Namibia Isabel Maholela Barclays Bank Mozambique
Andrew Mugari ZB Bank Zimbabwe Zimbabwe Denis Ivins First National Bank Botswana Botswana
Nchooba Chonga Zambia National Commercial Bank Plc Zambia EP Jacob First Merchant Bank Ltd Malawi (waiting for him to his picture)
SADC BA Leina Gabaraane Chairperson – SADC Banking Association