Keri Hornbuckle, Associate Dean of Academic Programs, College of Engineering Kelli Delfosse, Coordinator of Honors Programing, College of Engineering Alec Scranton, Dean, College of Engineering “Utilizing Our Curriculum” GCSP Program at The University of Iowa
Incorporates Curriculum into Five Program Components 1.Research 2.Interdisciplinary Curriculum 3.Entrepreneurship 4.Global Dimension 5.Service Learning Incorporated into each component Both directly & indirectly Giving students options
1.Research Component Students have the option of receiving academic credit for their Grand Challenge related research through: University Honors Program Honors Research Practicum (143:100) or Individual engineering departments Individual Investigation (05*:098)
2.Interdisciplinary Curriculum Component Courses from across campus in a social science/humanities. Can be taken as part of the General Education Course (GEC) requirements in the engineering curriculum. A suite of interdisciplinary courses nature to earn a certificate or count towards their Elective Focus Areas (EFA) in the areas of sustainability, entrepreneurship, bio-engineering, management. Immersive study abroad programs such as based around a theme of interdisciplinary topics (such as socio-economical and technical issues in the developing world).
3.Entrepreneurship Component University is regularly rated as one of the top 25 entrepreneurship programs in the United States by Entrepreneur Magazine and The Princeton Review. Students options range from a one 3 semester-hour class from the Entrepreneurship Program all the way up to 21 semester hours to earn an Entrepreneurship Certificate.
4.Global Dimension Component An international study abroad program. Select coursework aimed to enhance global awareness for the student's chosen grand challenge including: - Contemporary Global System (044:010) - The Global Economy (044:030) - The Global Economy (044:030) - Making of the Modern Global System (187:005) - Making of the Modern Global System (187:005) - Developed and Developing Places (187:006) - Developed and Developing Places (187:006) - International Health (152:111) - International Health (152:111)
5.Service Learning Component A semester long service learning course such as International Perspectives: Xicotepec Short service learning classes such as Directed Study (012:019) -- field trip to western Iowa to preserve natural prairies.
Component Low MediumHigh Research Interdisciplinary Curriculum Entrepreneurship Global Perspective Service Learning 150 hours 9 social science/humanities + technical curriculum 3 credit course from list OR Senior design project with entrepreneurial component OR Iowa Business Plan Competition 044:010 Contemporary Global System + 3 credit course from list Short service learning course e.g., 012:019:WKA Spring Break Service Learning Trip OR Service organization conference e.g., Engineers Without Borders National Conference Presentation at technical society meeting 15 social science/humanities/EFA electives + technical curriculum Senior design project with large entrepreneurial focus OR Finalist in Iowa Business Plan Competition Internship with global component OR Research program with global component 8-week service-oriented practicum or research experience OR Significant service activity documented by established organization e.g., Engineers Without Borders OR Semester-long service learning course e.g., 053:126 Internat. Perspectives Peer-reviewed technical publication Interdisciplinary experiential learning Multiple activities from “Low” column International study abroad program Multiple activities from “Medium” column
Acknowledgments P. Barry Butler P. Barry ButlerUniversity of Iowa Provost and former Dean, College of Engineering Fred Streicher Fred StreicherMarketing & Alumni Relations, College of Engineering Eric Nuxoll Eric NuxollGCSP Steering Committee Chair, College of Engineering Faculty Member