Spreading the Community-Based Learning Ethos Capital Region Academic Service Learning Summer Conference Timothy Cross, Columbia University July 2009 T HE F U F OUNDATION S CHOOL OF E NGINEERING AND A PPLIED S CIENCE
Talking Points Columbia Engineering Strategic Position CTICE Overview CTICE Courses and Programs for Columbia Students Community Activities The Center for Technology, Innovation and Community Engagement The Fu Foundation School of Engineering and Applied Science, Columbia University 2
The Center for Technology, Innovation and Community Engagement The Fu Foundation School of Engineering and Applied Science, Columbia University Columbia Engineering Strategic Position Recognize that engineering is the “liberal art of the 21st century” Educate engineers who are not only technologically adept but also socially engaged and responsible Capitalize on strong undergraduate community-based learning program Emphasize social engagement and responsibility along with education and research 3
CTICE Overview CTICE Twin Missions Support Engineering School’s mission to educate technologically adept and socially engaged students Enable all Columbia students to solve complex problems and design innovative solutions that are culturally and contextually appropriate Support asset development and capacity building in Harlem and Upper Manhattan Leverage strong community relationships to increase educational and entrepreneurial opportunities for community members The Center for Technology, Innovation and Community Engagement The Fu Foundation School of Engineering and Applied Science, Columbia University 4 Education Community CTICE is the institutional home for academically-integrated community-based learning at Columbia University with more than 800 students a year working on more than 120 community projects
CTICE Overview Goals and Accomplishments Serve as institutional home for community-based learning programs Support students’ ambitions to become both technologically adept and socially engaged Support University’s efforts to create mutually beneficial relationships with neighboring communities Leverage strong community relationships to increase educational and entrepreneurial opportunities Only engineering school to require community-based learning for all entering students One of the largest programs in the United States CTICE offers up to 30 credits of community-based learning CTICE supports interdisciplinary courses are offered across all four undergraduate institutions CTICE has established residency programs, internships, and doctoral fellowships The Center for Technology, Innovation and Community Engagement The Fu Foundation School of Engineering and Applied Science, Columbia University 5 Goals Accomplishments
6 CTICE Overview CTICE Community Interaction Harlem Youth Education Job Training Business Development Entrepreneurship Community Asset Development Harlem Youth Education Job Training Business Development Entrepreneurship Community Asset Development Courses (Community-Based Learning) Engineering and Technology Entrepreneurship Science, Technology, and Society Urban Studies American Studies Programs Hayden Engineering & Applied Science Program Engaged Entrepreneurship Workforce Development Columbia Harlem SBDC Green Incubator Capacity-Building Programs Harlem Robotics League Living Peace The Center for Technology, Innovation and Community Engagement The Fu Foundation School of Engineering and Applied Science, Columbia University
CTICE Courses and Programs Community-Based Learning Community CAPACITY BUILDING and asset development initiatives integrated with formal community-based learning programs (both curricular and co-curricular) Projects are COMMUNITY SELECTED, based on asset mapping, needs analysis, and community leaders’ input Project success and TANGIBLE RESULTS tied to course offerings, learning objectives, and intended outcomes Currently offer more than 30 credits of community-based learning courses Community-based learning cuts across all CTICE activities, including workforce development and Columbia-Harlem SBDC The Center for Technology, Innovation and Community Engagement The Fu Foundation School of Engineering and Applied Science, Columbia University 7
8 Courses for Columbia Students First-Year Design Course Interdisciplinary Courses Interdisciplinary Minors Advanced Engineering Courses Engaged Entrepreneurship Program The Center for Technology, Innovation and Community Engagement The Fu Foundation School of Engineering and Applied Science, Columbia University
CTICE Courses and Programs First-Year Design Course Four-credit engineering and applied science requirement All entering students take in either Fall or Spring Applied design skills including advanced three- dimensional graphical and computational applications In the Classroom In the Community More than 70 community-based learning projects per year Projects emphasize teamwork and project management, technical research, customer and market needs, open-ended problem-solving, detailed design, budgeting, prototyping, and communication The Center for Technology, Innovation and Community Engagement The Fu Foundation School of Engineering and Applied Science, Columbia University 9
Interdisciplinary CBL Courses URBS V3310: “Science and Technology in Urban Environments” -- examines relationship between cities and the development, acceptance, and application of technology W3010: “Science, Technology and Society” -- investigates the scientific and technical evolution and subsequent diffusion of contemporary technological innovations E4998: “Managing Technological Innovation and Entrepreneurship” -- examines the development and management of emerging technologies K4123: “Managing Emerging Technologies” -- graduate-level executive course that examines how new technologies and transformative innovations develop from basic science to commercialized product innovations The Center for Technology, Innovation and Community Engagement The Fu Foundation School of Engineering and Applied Science, Columbia University 10
Interdisciplinary Minors Entrepreneurship Science, Technology, and Society Studies Environmental Sustainability All three minors include required community-based learning courses. Managing Technological Innovation and Entrepreneurship -- teams work with community leaders to propose new ventures for local low-income clients Science, Technology, and Society -- teams work on background research and new venture ideas for low-income families Science and Technology in Urban Environments -- teams work with urban community leaders on capacity-building projects in low-income areas Integrated Product Design -- graduate engineering and business students work on environmental sustainability community projects (initiated in First-Year Design Course) Managing Technological Innovation and Entrepreneurship -- teams work with community leaders to propose new ventures for local low-income clients Science, Technology, and Society -- teams work on background research and new venture ideas for low-income families Science and Technology in Urban Environments -- teams work with urban community leaders on capacity-building projects in low-income areas Integrated Product Design -- graduate engineering and business students work on environmental sustainability community projects (initiated in First-Year Design Course) The Center for Technology, Innovation and Community Engagement The Fu Foundation School of Engineering and Applied Science, Columbia University 11
12 Engineering for Developing Communities Course inspired by Columbia’s student chapter of Engineers without Borders (EWB) and faculty involvement in National Science Foundation award Students expressed a strong desire to be engaged in “engineering that matters,” specifically in the context of under-privileged and developing communities Students and faculty worked on water projects in Obodan and Sakyikrom, Ghana The Center for Technology, Innovation and Community Engagement The Fu Foundation School of Engineering and Applied Science, Columbia University
The Center for Technology, Innovation and Community Engagement The Fu Foundation School of Engineering and Applied Science, Columbia University 13
14 CTICE Community Activities Youth Programs Hayden Engineering and Applied Science Program Harlem Robotics League Columbia Kids Care Summer High School Program The Center for Technology, Innovation and Community Engagement The Fu Foundation School of Engineering and Applied Science, Columbia University
15 CTICE Community Activities Columbia University Partnerships Columbia Business School: offer programming through Lang Center for Entrepreneurship’s Columbia Community Business Program Office of Environmental Stewardship: coordinate and disseminate University expertise in environmental sustainability Science and Technology Ventures Offer program on patents and advisors on Columbia technology transfer policies Coordinate campus consortium on entrepreneurial programs Office of Government and Community Affairs: support local community businesses and offer community outlet assistance Columbia Law School: provide pro bono legal assistance for small businesses and not-for-profits The Center for Technology, Innovation and Community Engagement The Fu Foundation School of Engineering and Applied Science, Columbia University
CTICE Community Activities Community Partnerships Established relationships in the community to support the Columbia-Harlem SBDC Abyssinian Development Corp Harlem Business Alliance 125th Street Business Improvement District Project Enterprise New York State Assemblyman Keith Wright Support events in the Harlem area that emphasize local support for small business development and highlight entrepreneurial creativity and investment Small business street fairs along 116th, 125th, 145th Street corridors New York City Entrepreneurship Week in Harlem (2010) The Center for Technology, Innovation and Community Engagement The Fu Foundation School of Engineering and Applied Science, Columbia University 16
CTICE Community Activities CTICE Community Engagement Model Columbia Schools and Offices Engineering School Columbia College General Studies Barnard College Law School Business School Social Work Government and Community Affairs Communications and Public Relations Environmental Stewardship Columbia Schools and Offices Engineering School Columbia College General Studies Barnard College Law School Business School Social Work Government and Community Affairs Communications and Public Relations Environmental Stewardship Community Businesses and Community-Based Organizations Community Businesses and Community-Based Organizations Student Youth Programs CTICE Columbia- Workforce Harlem SBDC Development Student Youth Programs CTICE Columbia- Workforce Harlem SBDC Development Students Courses, Programs, Fellowships, Internships Students Courses, Programs, Fellowships, Internships The Center for Technology, Innovation and Community Engagement The Fu Foundation School of Engineering and Applied Science, Columbia University 17