Anita Ham Maria Derey Wilma Eleveld Faculty of Health, Nutrition and Sport Designing an international program for global health
Internationalization Great importance across the globe For universities as for labour market Global challenges demand world wide solutions Cultural diversity within nations (Bauwen, 2013; Cornelissen, 2014; Figel, 2013; Geluk, 2014; Hulst, 2011; Prins, 2013)
just imagening;
Research Question But would our students have the same expectations regards internationalization and international competences? And what about the wishes and expectations of the workforce, the vocational field of health? And would our lecturers be able to meet all these expectations? To set out these answers we started our research…
The aim : identify the wishes and values of students, lecturers and the vocational field to get a better idea and what the focus points should be within internationalization at the Faculty of Health The research outcomes could also being used for the design of the international program
Methods and Analysis By desk research to find out the state of the art regarding internationalization within the faculty Focus groups discussions with 11 students within 3 groups Focus groups with 11 lecturers from various academies a questionnaire from the various vocational committees in the field Analysis by the content and constant comparative methods by two researchers
Results expectations from students Learning by doing Foreign language and cultural sensitivity Knowledge about other counties and other health care systems Flexibility and be able to pick and choose the instruments; international classroom, summerschools, internships Flexible, open minded, curious, etc.
Expectations of lecturers Due to internationalisation, students will get: Open minded, pro-active, independent and flexible Lecturers needs for coaching students have knowledge and skills of how to deal with cultural differences Knowledge of different health care systems Intercultural communications skills English language and medical terminology International network
Expectations of vocational field Professionals need to be able to read and understand international literature Knowledge of international innovations abroad to apply in own international field
Second phase; How can we use the results to design an international program within THUAS so that students have the opportunity to develop their international competences? Research results Two co-creation design sessions Students, lecturers, stakeholders
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Student perspectives (Maria) International program: ‘Interconnected Citizens of Global Health’ With focus on international learning outcomes - students play a key-role in their own learning needs - multidisciplinary, intercultural and international team - Inquiry based The international program (pilot) - Real-life assignment - International collaboration (Finland) -
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Tutor’s perspective (Wilma) The ideal group for this program is like a jazz formation
Experiences students stakeholder Tutor Stakeholders
Evaluation Questback evaluation Reflection report and logbook tutor Focus group with stakeholders, researcher, students and lecturers Products of students Advise report students
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Questions/ challenges : How can we include international students from low income countries to let them gain international competences within Europe? How can we implement innovation in education within current curricula?
Literature Bauwen. G (2013). Growth through Innovation. Brussel: Academic and Scientific Publishers nv. Cornelissen, A. (2014). WOTRO, 50 years forward thinking. Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research; The Hague. Figel, J. (2013). Key Competences for Lifelong Learning. Official Journal of the European Union. Geluk, L. & Menendez S. (2014) Wereldburgers in een lerende samenleving De haagse Hogeschool op weg naar Instellingsplan Intern document THUAS Green, J., Thorogood, N., (2007). Qualitative methods for Health Research. London; Saga Publications Ltd. Ham, A., Voskuil, D. en Weerd, W. van der (2012). Een verkennend onderzoek. Elke student een wereldburger. Een eerste verkenning. Den Haag (intern document).
Literature Hulst, H. van der (2011). At Home and Abroad. De (meer) waarde van internationalisering in het HBO. Vakblad voor opleiders in het gezondheidszorgonderwijs: 7, p. 15–18. The Hague University of Applied Sciences, (2013). Het H/onderwijskader voor bachelor onderwijs. Den Haag. Jellema, F., Ham, A. en Voskuil, D. (2014), Het ontwerpen van een internationaal global health programma. Onderwijs en Gezondheidszorg, Amsterdam: BPM Medica, 3: Prins, B. (ed)(2013) Superdivers! Alledaagse omgangsvormen in de grootstedelijke samenleving. Delft/Den Haag: Eburon/De Haagse Hogeschool.
Thank you