Telecare and PTG in the Region Eastern Region Housing LIN 9 th October 2006 Cambridge Dyllis Faife Service Development Officer Assistive Technology Norfolk Adult Social Services CSIP Eastern Regional Fellow in AT
The Preventative Technology Grant The Grant £30 million in Year1 £50 million in Year2 Announcement of the PTG by Liam Byrne (then Minister for Care Services) “The purpose of the Preventative Technology Grant is to initiate a profound transformation in the design and delivery of health and social care services and prevention strategies to enhance and maintain the well being, self esteem, independence and autonomy of individuals by using electronic technologies to support them to live safely and securely at home”.
Eastern Region Allocations UnitaryYear1Year2ShireYear1Year2 P’Borough91,708153,158Norfolk542,309912,706 Luton89,386148,089Suffolk437,958739,134 Thurrock77,788130,479Cambs300,407507,532 Southend115,214191,203Essex345,361577,103 Herts578,735963,043 Beds186,477312,988
The Key Policy Agenda for Telecare and Telehealth The White Paper “Our Choice, Our Care, Our Say: A new direction for community services” Long Term Conditions Framework
Aspirations of the White Paper (1) Our Choice, Our Care, Our Say: A new direction for community services Assistive technology/telecare supports the aspirations & philosophy of the White Paper. A good quality of life Independence More choice Greater control over their lives (including Direct Payments and Individualised Budgets) Support to maintain mental health and emotional well-being Flexible and personalised services
Aspirations of the White Paper (2) Services responsive to individualised needs Quality standards of care Well trained staff Access to early preventative support/services “Information prescription” – needs to include assistive technology Access to joint health and social care teams for people with Long Term Conditions Practice based commissioning Joint commissioning
Drivers for Telecare/Telehealth (1) Ageing population Increased frailty of some older people An increasing number of older people with severe mental impairment Workforce shortage Hospital bed capacity issues Shift from secondary care to primary care and community services
Drivers for Telecare/Telehealth (2) Increased support & reassurance to carers Increased dignity in residential care Focus on falls prevention and reduction Long term care conditions Increased expectations The technological revolution New ways of working/new skills
Aspirations of Long Term Conditions Framework Many older people have one or more long term conditions and; Have difficulty in maintaining their independence, well-being & social participation Key themes are: Independent living Care planned around the needs & choices of the individual Easier, timely access to services Information & support Self care & case management Joint working across all agencies & disciplines involved
Who Can Benefit ? Older and younger people with dementia PLUS People with Long Term Conditions (self care) Older people with a wide range of needs (in control) Working age adults with physical disabilities People with learning disabilities Adults with mental health needs (well-being monitoring) Children with disabilities Carer and parents
Issues and Current Progress in the Eastern Region Still early days—progress is variable Areas ahead-those with innovators prior to April 2006 Differential lead roles Geographical size Vital role of call centres Partnership is key Different models of delivery Differential engagement with Housing and PCTs Re-organisations and mergers Financial constraints Evaluation No additional investment
Operational Issues Skills /competencies in AT Mainstreaming the service Specialist workers v. mainstreaming AT skills Who can assess for AT Awareness raising/training Procurement Reliance on manufacturers Documentation
Strategic Issues Need for AT Strategy Need for AT to be embedded in all strategies Prevention/self care strategy Performance Indicators Links need to be made to LAAs Need for ongoing evaluation Disinvestment/re-investment
Outcome Focused Service Technology is a means to an end, not an end in itself -Individual tailored assessment -Person centred -Promote independence -Support to remain at home -Support self care
Future Opportunities for Housing Invest in telecare infrastructure for any new builds Upgrade existing buildings Offer of accommodation for Smart Homes Use of telecare/telehealth flats for intermediate care/rehabilitation Links to acute hospital discharge Enhanced role of call centres Response staff