Fetal Development By: Jade Walker & Mi Mi Lewis
The Beginning The beginning of the process in fetal development is when the egg is joined with the sperm and a zygote is formed. After 5 days the zygote is called a blastocyst. At 10 weeks, the blastocyst is called a Fetus.
Symptoms of Pregnancy Some symptoms include missed menstrual cycle, tenderness of the breast, fatigue, nausea, mood swings, weight gain, sleepiness, ect cetera.
Embryology Embryology is a special field of biology where animal embryos are studied. The egg undergoes cell division. Two divide into four; four into eight and so on. After the cell division is complete, three primary germ layers are formed: ectoderm, endoderm and mesoderm.
Three Layers The outer wall is the ectoderm which will eventually become the skin, hair, nails, teeth and nervous system. The endoderm eventually becomes cells in the digestive system and most of the lining of the air passageway. The Mesoderm will become the blood vessels, connective tissues, muscles, reproductive glands and kidney.
Location The now fetus is located in the uterus (also known as the womb). It is a pear-shaped, hollow organ in the pelvis. It is nutrient-rich and provides a safe haven for the fetus.
First Trimester The first trimester is the most important trimester in a pregnancy because that is where fetus brain, arms, legs and internal organs are formed.
First Trimester 2 nd week- zygote is formed; 46 chromosomes combine giving the almost- fetus distinct characteristics. 3 rd week- Blastocyst searches for a good place to implant. The blastocyst is rapidly forming. The backbone, spinal column, and nervous system are forming. The liver, kidneys and intestines are taking form. 4 th week- The blastocyst develop hormones which discontinue the mother’s menstrual cycle. 5 th week- Size of a raisin. The heart begins beating. The spinal cord grows the fastest giving the fetus the look of a tail. The spine will stop growing and the baby will continue growing making the tail disappear. 7 th week- Mouth and tongue are visible. The retina and lens develop. The muscle system is developed. Blood type is developed. Blood cells are produced by the liver instead of the yolk sac..
… 8 th week- Now an official fetus, it swims gracefully. 10 th week- Heart almost developed. Twenty tiny baby teeth are developing in the gums. 12 th week- Last week of the first trimester, vocal cords are complete and the fetus can cry silently. Brain formed, the child can feel pain. Eyelids cover the eyes, and the fetus can suck on it’s thumb.
… Activity like smoking, drinking, excessive exercise, drug use and an unhealthy lifestyle affects the fetus the most during this stage of pregnancy. Too much of the following can almost ensure birth defects.
Second Trimester 14 th week- Muscles begin to grow and they become structured. 15 th week- Fetus has fully developed taste buds and is able to savor the mother’s meals. 16 th week- Fetus has eyebrows, eyelashes, fine hair. The fetus can grasp their hands, kick, and do somersaults. The fetus can recognize the mother’s voice. Fingernails and fingerprints appear, sex organs are visible which is when a doctor can distinguish between a girl or boy.
Third Trimester 24 weeks- Lanugo, a fine downy hair cover the fetus. The fetus practices breathing by inhaling anomic fluid into the still developing lungs. 30 weeks- Any toxic materials will now directly be received by the fetus because the umbilical cord is the child’s lifeline to the mother. 32 weeks- Fetus sleeps percent of the day. REM is experienced in the fetus, a sign of dreaming. 40 weeks- the child is approximately 6-8 pounds and is ready for life outside the womb.
Pregnancy Complications Placenta problems- placenta does not nourish the baby enough, or gives too much nourishment. High blood pressure- Not enough vitamin C, multivitamin supplement, stress ect. Genetics- Down syndrome- can be treated through visiting physician. Amniocentesis can be preformed. Diabetes Cervical problems. Women should visit their physician eight to ten times during the pregnancy to prevent complications.
THANK YOU Info from: Encarta. COM Childbirth.org W-cpc.org/fetal