Todd A. VanHeuveln
Hometown is Cottonwood, Minnesota Located in Southwestern Minnesota Population is 1,200 Slogan is “It isn’t far to Cottonwood” Famous for “Coming Home Days” PERSONAL INFORMATION
Degree Major Operations Management (Bachelors Degree) Specialty Striving to Attain Computer Network Management Data Management EDUCATIONAL GOALS
Companies Worked For Midcontinent Cabinetry Production and Information Technology Wal-Mart Companies Sales Associate Granite Falls Tae Kwon Do Instructor (3 rd Degree Black Belt) PREVIOUS EMPLOYMENT
Microsoft Word and Excel Used in Business since Office ‘97 version I have taken Intermediate Word/Excel Training Introduction to Microcomputer Class MICROSOFT OFFICE KNOWLEDGE
Microsoft PowerPoint I have previously used for School Projects and PowerPoints for Business Professionals of America Microsoft Access I am a Novice using Access MICROSOFT OFFICE KNOWLEDGE 2
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