5 th grade team Sinclair Elementary School September 2015
Have you ever heard… I can’t do my homework. It is too hard! I forgot my homework/notebook/study sheet. I don’t remember how my teacher showed me. You are doing it wrong. My teacher showed me a different way! The instructional strategy flipping the classroom may help!
The Flipped Classroom Model - YouTube
What is flipping the classroom? It is a switch in the role of homework and class lecture. Students watch instructional videos as homework and complete independent practice and collaborative learning activities on the content in class, where the teacher can help them.
Why flip the classroom? It allows teachers more opportunity to meet the needs of EACH student. Students can work at their own pace through video lessons. More meaningful classroom activities Less stress on parents (with homework) Gives students background knowledge so they are ready to engage with the content
What happens during class? Discussions typically reach higher orders of critical thinking. Collaborative work Real world problem solving Opportunities to expand knowledge past the curriculum Students take ownership of the material and learn to be active learners (preparing them for the future)
How will students access content? We will be using a secure educational online platform called SCHOOLOGY. Students have their own log in code to access their assigned class. Parents have an access code to see the information presented, grades (from online assignments), and their child’s responses to the secure discussions.
Schoology One-stop shop Watch videos posted from teacher Access review materials, handouts, etc Review content at any time Demonstrate knowledge through online quizzes, questions, assignments Engage with classmates to build community and help each other learn (monitored by teacher)
Ways to access Schoology From any device with internet connection Public library Personal computer or tablet Smart phone (there is an app) *Please contact one of the teachers if none of these options work for your family and we will make arrangements for your child
Any Questions????