1 NDPHS Northern Dimension Partnership in Public Health and Social Well-being Decent work and health for all Expert Group SIHLWA, Helsinki, May 2007
PAC theme preparation The CSR-11 in Warsaw has agreed that the upcoming PAC (Partnership Annual Ministerial Conference) Nov 2007 would have as it main thematic focus occupational safety and health with a broad public health and social well- being under-stream.
PAC theme preparation There should be 5 key-note speeches (Chair first proposal): 1. OSH in promoting healthy lifestyles (ILO); 2. Drug and alcohol problems in workplace (SIHLWA): 3. Prevention of infectious diseases in OSH ( from working life point of view) (PHC and HIV/AIDS): 4. OSH and migrant populations (including aspect of trafficking); 5. Economic impact of health promotion (WHO?)
PAC theme preparation Draft title for PAC could be (Chair added proposal): 1) Public health promotion for healthy and long-lasting working life. Important thematic topics to be included should be: 1) alcohol, 2) occupational health inequality, 3) aging (how to prolong healthy working time). “Virtual scientific committee” helping to elaborate an interesting program for the event
PAC theme preparation The event would take into account as overall framework (OSH group Chair comment): ILO Global Strategy on Occupational Safety and Health and the International Instruments, Conventions No. 187 and No. 161 WHO Global Strategy on achieving Health for All The EC European Strategy for Safety and Health at Work ILO, WHO and EU have agreed on joint cooperation in the WHO collaborating Centres meeting in UK in May 2007.
PAC theme preparation Linking OSH with health issues (OSH in itself is already linking public health with occupational health, labour medicine with occupational health, HIV/AIDS, lifestyles, inequality with occupational health and safety, accident and disease prevention, social security, insurance with accident prevention, OSH and migrant workers). OSH is an inter-sectoral issue, which requires cooperation mainly between Ministry of Health and Ministry of Labour, but also collaboration with Ministries of Education, Economy and Emergencies are important. We need to ensure the organisational link in the partner countries’ Ministries, and especially the Ministries of Health.
PAC theme preparation SIHLWA tentative tasks: We can draw up a tentative programme; We can set up the virtual scientific committee (suggestions for good names on the health side are needed); We can identify good speakers for the 1st day and the key-note speakers for the 2nd day; We can agree on the basis for a Policy Paper, which is in the draft stage.
PAC theme preparation Wording of the theme (to be decided): 1) Health - for a long safe working life; 2) Healthy life - lasting work ability; 3) Decent and healthy work for all.