What is tattling? Telling or complaining about something that someone else did. Why do people tattle?


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Presentation transcript:

What is tattling? Telling or complaining about something that someone else did. Why do people tattle?

Tattling 2/10/2012

If a person or animal is in danger, you MUST warn someone… Why isn’t this tattling?

If the problem involves YOU take charge and try hard to solve it yourself first. If you cannot solve it on your own then…

Now OR Later? Is the problem a NOW problem or a NOT NOW problem? Ask yourself: “Can this problem be solved at a later time?”

Mind your own beeswax if: 1. The problem is not dangerous 2. The problem does not involve you M.Y.O.B. (Mind Your Own Business/Beeswax)

Scenario 1 You see someone push a classmate in the hallway on the way to lunch and call him names. Your teacher did not see it happen. What should you do? Tattling or reporting? Which rule supports your answer?

Scenario 2 Everyone is sitting in a circle for a class activity. Someone steals your seat when you gets up to get a drink. When you return they say “you snooze, you lose!” What should you do? Tattle or reporting? Which rule supports your answer?

Scenario 3 Your teachers tells everyone that they can choose one item from the prize box because they were such good bucket fillers this week. You notice that one of your classmates took two prizes. What should you do? Tattle or reporting? Which tattling rule supports your answer?

Scenario 4 Right in the middle of your teacher’s lesson you notice that someone has stolen your big eraser. You spot it on another person’s desk in the room. What should you do? Tattling or reporting? Which tattling rule supports your answer?

Scenario 5 You notice that two of your classmates are chewing gum… what should you do? Tattling or reporting? Which tattling rule supports your answer?

Scenario 6 You see two fourth graders stealing the hat of a first grader and playing monkey in the middle with it. They are laughing at the student and they refuse to give the hat back when the student asks. Tattle or telling? Which tattling rule supports your answer?

Scenario 7 Another students makes a funny face at you and sticks her tongue out at you from across the room during art class. What do you do? Tattle or report? Which tattling rule supports your answer?

Scenario 8 It’s time for an independent math lesson and you notice two other classmates are writing notes to each other instead of paying attention. What do you do? Tattle or report? Which tattling rule supports your answer?

Scenario 9 Another student is calling your friend names in the locker room when Mr. Smykla is not around. What do you do? Tattle or report? Which tattling rule supports your answer? What could you do instead?

Scenario 10 Some of your friends are playing a game together and have already started so they will not let you join in. What should you do? Tattle or not? Which tattling rule supports your answer?

Scenario 11 Zoey only gave friendship bracelets to two classmates but not to anyone else in the classroom, including you. What do you do? Tattling or reporting? Which tattling rule supports your answer?

Scenario 12 The student behind you is tapping his feet on your chair legs while you are reading a book. This makes it hard for you to concentrate. Tattling or reporting? Which tattling rule supports your answer?

Scenario 13 You are playing with the new DS that your grandparents bought you for your birthday and another classmates takes it out of your hands. Tattling or reporting? Which tattling rule supports your answer?

Scenario 14 You overhear two kids in your class saying mean things about the new student at school. Tattling or reporting? What tattle rule supports your answer? What could you do yourself to handle the situation?

Scenario 15 You all get your math tests back and you got a pretty crumby score. A classmate notices and starts whispering to her friends about it. Tattling or reporting? Which tattle rule supports your answer? What could you do about it?

Scenario 16 Your teacher told a classmate that she needed to stay in for recess but the student went right out to the playground after lunch instead of going back to the classroom. Tattling or reporting? Which tattle rule supports your answer?

Scenario 17 You see a classmate steal something off of your teacher’s desk while she is teaching a small group of students at her table. Tattling or reporting? Which rule supports your answer?

Scenario 18 Your working in a group and one of the members is not helping you complete the assignment. Tattling or reporting? Which tattling rule supports your answer?