1 European air indicator reporting Process and experience © iStockphoto.com/cmisje.


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Presentation transcript:

1 European air indicator reporting Process and experience © iStockphoto.com/cmisje

Content 2 Data flows to EEA up-to-date data annual data Indicator reporting by EEA Sources for further information

Data flows to EEA 3 1. Assessment meta-information: Description of monitoring networks, monitoring stations and measurement methods – necessary to manage and interpret Air Quality measurement data 2. Up-to-date Air Quality measurement data (i.e. preliminary, not validated values) 3. Validated Air Quality measurement data (annual transmission) 4. Information on attainment/exceedance of environmental objectives 5. Information on plans and measures

up-to-date air quality data 4 Hourly data from continuous monitoring devices Hourly transmission to EEA No data validation, i.e. flagged as preliminary Purpose: Information of the public Input for modelling

up-to-date Air Quality data Monitoring station National AQ Data-base Hourly data Information of the public on national level EEA data-base “AirBase” 5 Copernicus (MACC), modelling Europe-wide up-to- date information of the public maps for O 3, PM 10, NO 2, SO 2 Aggregation for Web presentation

Validated air quality data - annual data flow 6 Hourly data from continuous monitoring devices Daily samples from gravimetric PM measurement Long-term samples Validated data after complete QA/QC Purpose: Information of the public Checking attainment of limit values/target values Trend analysis Policy support

Validated Air Quality data - annual data flow Monitoring station national AQ data-base aggregation Annual reports Trend analysis Policy support Exceedances of thresholds Basis for development of plans and measures EEA data-base “AirBase” Statistics Maps 7 International programmes: EMEP GAW aggregation xml Hourly data QA/QC Daily or long-term values Gravimetry, Laboratory analysis Samples Aggregation Statistical analysis Indicators selection criteria are applied to select stations/time series from AirBase aggregation Annual reports

AirBase 8 Table of all stations Table of statistics of all pollutants Table of measurement configurations Detailed air quality data for each country Interactive data viewer

Attainment of environmental objectives 9 Information about attainment or exceedance of limit values, target values and long-term objectives Geographical structure: Zones and agglomerations Information in case of exceedance: Exceedance area Affected population Affected ecosystem area

Indicators 10 CSI 004 (Exceedance of air quality limit values in urban areas) CSI 005 (Exposure of ecosystems to acidification, eutrophication and ozone) Cities ranking for urban audit set of cities Eurostat indicators WHO air quality indicators TERM indicators (Transport and Environment Reporting Mechanism

EEA air pollution indicators 11 CSI 001: Emissions of acidifying substances CSI 002: Emissions of ozone precursors CSI 003: Emissions of primary particulates and secondary particulate precursors CSI 004: Exceedance of air quality limit values in urban areas CSI 004 CSI 005: Exposure of ecosystems to acidification, eutrophication and ozone CSI 005 CSI 006: Consumption of ozone-depleting substances

EEA CSI 004 urban AQ 12 Exposure above AQD standards Exposure above WHO guidelines Source: EEAEEA

EEA CSI 004 urban AQ percentile O 3 max daily 8-hourAnnual mean NO 2 (sub)urban Source: EEAEEA

UNECE indicators 14 A. Air pollution and ozone depletionAir pollution and ozone depletion A1. Emissions of pollutants into the atmospheric air A2. Ambient air quality in urban areas A3. Consumption of ozone-depleting substances

UNECE indicators A2 urban AQ 15 Air Quality Directive, WHO guidelines apply percentage of days when PM 10, SO 2, NO 2 and O 3 exceed limit values percentage of urban population exposed absolute values of concentrations

European air quality reports 16 EEA Air quality in Europe Air pollution by ozone across Europe EU emission inventory reports NEC reports Reports on specific topics ETC/ACM European air quality maps Reporting on ambient air quality assessment in EU Member States and other EEA countries The European exchange of information Reports on specific topics

Example of results 17 Exceedance of limit value – information per zone Source: EEA, Interpolated measurement data, based on monitoring stations

Further information I 18 EEA core set of indicators – Guide: EEA CSI 004: maps/indicators/exceedance-of-air-quality-limit-3/assessment maps/indicators/exceedance-of-air-quality-limit-3/assessment EEA air quality maps: quality/map/airbase quality/map/airbase EIONET ambient air quality portal: AirBase: air-quality-database-8 air-quality-database-8 EEA Interactive maps:

Further information II 19 WHO air pollution in cities database: Ambient Air Quality Directive (2008/50/EC): lex.europa.eu/legal-content/EN/TXT/?uri=CELEX:32008L lex.europa.eu/legal-content/EN/TXT/?uri=CELEX:32008L0050 Austrian sustainable development indicators: UNECE indicators:

Contact & Information Christian Nagl , 20 Umweltbundesamt Monitoring, analyzing and reporting on air quality in Turkmenistan Ashgabat ■ 2-3 December 2014