Traffic Air Pollutant Effects Mobile Monitoring
Traffic Modelling, Hamilton Julie Wallace, CSPA, McMaster
Ravi Mahabir, Anthony Ciccone
Highway Sampling
NO March 9 th 2007 Traffic Industry
McMaster Model – Rotek Mobile Data Monitoring/Modeling Interaction
Sampling Track, Intersection Impacts, Road/Highway Impacts Wind
Hwy 20/Queenston Intersection
McMaster Institute of Environment and Health A Public Health Assessment ofMortality and Hospital Admissions Attributable to Air Pollution in Hamilton Prepared by:Talar Sahsuvaroglu, PhD and Michael Jerrett, PhD School of Geography and Geology May, 2003
Health Impacts Upwind Downwind Centennial/Queenston Wind
m Health Impact
Wind Health Close-up Centennial/Queenston
Noise Barrier Effects
Noise Barrier Effect Highway Downwind Noise Barrier QEW No Noise Barrier
Noise Barrier
QEW NO x Noise Barrier Effect