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WATER MANAGEMENT Key Check 6: Avoided excessive water or drought stress that could affect the growth & yield of the crop Part 1: Understanding the PalayCheck System
WATER: its importance Helps rice plant to use soil nutrient efficiently Influences farm operations Aids in weed control
WATER: its functions WHAT IT DOES TO THE SOIL WHAT IT DOES TO THE RICE PLANT Transports “food” (i.e. medium for photosynthates & soil nutrients) Regulates temperature Facilitates physico- chemical processes & gas exchange Dissolves soil nutrients Regulates temperature Facilitates field operations & biological processes
Temperature regulation Nutrient uptake CO 2 absorption
WATER: issues & concerns Common farmers’ practices/experiences suggest that water is not used economically: i) Rice paddies remain open during fallow period ii) No definite schedules/guidelines of irrigation ?? iii) Paddy to paddy irrigation has no ditches. iv) Farms are continuously flooded.
WATER: issues & concerns “Biased” seasonal & geographic rainfall distribution - some areas have long dry season, some are endowed with sufficient/excessive rainfall High cost of irrigation development High water requirement to produce rice About li of water 1 kg of rice BUT, if a field is well-managed, a square meter only needs about 2,000 li of water to produce 1kg of rice
WATER: issues & concerns By 2025, it is estimated that M ha of irrigated rice worldwide will have some degree of water scarcity.
WATER supply should be adequate! KEY CHECK 6: Avoided excessive water or drought stress that could affect the growth & yield of the crop
Aids in proper seed germination Promotes seedling vigor, including crop growth & development Improves nutrient uptake because it corrects some nutrient imbalances & minimizes leaching BENEFITS of Key Check 6
Helps in controlling weeds Provides better snail control Minimizes lodging Significantly reduces irrigation cost (pump)
ASSESSMENT of Key Check 6 No symptoms of water stress due to excessive water i. Reduced tillering & leaf area ii. <10 tillers per hill iii. Root color should be reddish brown or lighter During vegetative stage Excessive water means more than 5 cm water depth for 7 days or more.
ASSESSMENT of Key Check 6 No symptoms of water stress due to drought During vegetative stage i. Leaf rolling ii. Leaf tip drying iii. Prolonged & deep soil cracking (>3 days) iv. Stunted growth
ASSESSMENT of Key Check 6 During PI to grain filling stage No symptoms of stress due to drought i. Leaf rolling ii. Leaf tip drying iii. Reduced panicle exertion iv. Many unfilled grains
PalayCheck recommends… Achieve 3-5 cm water depth every irrigation time from early tillering until 2 wk before crop maturity or harvest Drain water or stop irrigation 1-2 weeks before harvest For medium-textured soil or during DS, drain 1 wk before harvest For fine-textured soil or during WS, drain 2 wk before harvest
INPUT straight bunds leveled fields water supply rates & depth control drainage OUTPUTOUTCOME avoidance of water stress high yield good grain quality
CREDITS Instructional presentation designer: Dr. Karen Eloisa Barroga Sources & reviewers of technical content: Mr. Jovino de Dios; Dr. Romeo Cabangon, IRRI; Ms. Elsa Manango & Ms. Teresita Sandoval, BSWM Note: Adapted from a powerpoint presentation developed by: Mr. Jovino de Dios For more information, visit: You may use, remix, tweak, & build upon this presentation non-commercially. However, always use with acknowledgment. Unless otherwise stated, the names listed are PhilRice staffers. Produced in 2011 Text: