BTM 382 Database Management Chapter 5: Advanced Data Modeling Chitu Okoli Associate Professor in Business Technology Management John Molson School of Business, Concordia University, Montréal
Structure of BTM 382 Database Management Week 1: Introduction and overview ch1: Introduction Weeks 2-6: Database design ch3: Relational model ch4: ER modeling ch6: Normalization ERD modeling exercise ch5: Advanced data modeling Week 7: Midterm exam Weeks 8-10: Database programming ch7: Intro to SQL ch8: Advanced SQL SQL exercises Weeks 11-13: Database management ch2,12: Data models ch13: Business intelligence and data warehousing ch9,14,15: Selected managerial topics
Review of Chapter 5: Advanced Database Modeling How can the Extended Entity Relationship (EER) model help model IS-A relationships? How do you select a good (not just legal) primary key for a table? On which side of a relationship should you place a foreign key?
The Extended Entity Relationship Model: Entity clusters
Entity cluster “Virtual” or “abstract” entity type used to represent multiple entities and relationships in ERD Two primary purposes: When you have not yet figured out the details of part of the ERD Full ERD will be developed later To simplify the ERD or save space Details of the entity clusters can be displayed on separate pages You should not display any attributes when entity clusters are used, since foreign keys cannot be correctly specified
The Extended Entity Relationship Model: Handling IS-A relationships
What is an IS-A relationship? Sometimes, one kind of entity is a type of another entity Examples: A person is a specific type of person: an Employee is an Accountant, a Doctor is a Specialist, a Student is an Undergraduate A product is a specific type of product: a Bicycle is a type of Vehicle, a Violin is a type of MusicalInstrument, ManufacturingProduct and MaintenanceSupply are types of Product
Two ways to handle IS-A relationships Example: Some employees are pilots, some are mechanics, some are accountants, and some are none of those specialized types Solution 1: Leave them all in one entity, EMPLOYEE Disadvantage: Lots of nulls Solution 2: Create a supertype entity EMPLOYEE and subtype entities PILOT, MECHANIC and ACCOUNTANT
Specialization hierarchy: Supertype and subtypes Entity supertype Generic entity type related to one or more entity subtypes Contains common characteristics Entity subtype Contains unique characteristics of each entity subtype Specialization hierarchy Depicts relationships between supertypes and subtypes
Specialization hierarchy: other elements registers Inheritance Subtypes are implemented with 1:1 relationship with the supertype Supertype’s PK becomes the subtype’s PK/FK Subtypes inherit all attributes and relationships from supertype Subtype discriminator One or more attributes that determines which subtype or subtypes the supertype instance belongs to
Disjoint and Overlapping Constraints: One value only, or multiple values allowed? Disjoint subtypes Mutually exclusive: entity belongs to one and only one subtype Implementation: one attribute only (usually one character) Overlapping subtypes Multiple subtype values allowed Implementation: multiple binary (true/false) attributes
Completeness Constraint: Subtypes optional or required? Partial completeness (subtype optional) Some supertype occurrences are not members of any subtype Implementation: Null values permitted Total completeness (subtype required) Every supertype occurrence must be member of at least one subtype Implementation: No nulls permitted
All the specialization hierarchy constraints
SQL implementation of EERD constraints Disjoint constraints Disjoint constraint with partial completeness EMP_TYPE VARCHAR2(1) NULL CHECK (EMP_TYPE IN ('P', 'M', 'A')) Disjoint constraint with total completeness STU_TYPE VARCHAR2(1) NOT NULL CHECK (STU_TYPE IN ('U', 'G')) Overlapping constraints Overlapping constraint with partial completeness EMP_IS_ADM VARCHAR2(1) NOT NULL CHECK (EMP_IS_ADM IN ('Y', 'N')), EMP_IS_PROF VARCHAR2(1) NOT NULL CHECK (EMP_IS_PROF IN ('Y', 'N')) Overlapping constraint with total completeness P_IS_EMP VARCHAR2(1) NOT NULL CHECK (P_IS_EMP IN ('Y', 'N')), P_IS_STU VARCHAR2(1) NOT NULL CHECK (P_IS_STU IN ('Y', 'N')), CONSTRAINT ENFORCE_TOTAL_OVERLAPPING_PERSON CHECK (P_IS_EMP = 'Y' OR P_IS_STU = 'Y')
Entity Integrity: Selecting Primary Keys
Natural keys vs. Surrogate keys Natural key is a real-world identifier used to uniquely identify real-world objects Familiar to end users and forms part of their day-to-day business vocabulary E.g. e-mail address, SIN, username, etc. Surrogate key is an attribute that the designer invents only for the purpose of serving as a primary key E.g. CustomerID with values 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, …, ∞ Natural keys are very common as a primary key, but there are many possible problems You may instead use composite primary key or surrogate key
Ideal characteristics of primary keys When you consider all these points, then surrogate keys are generally superior to natural keys
When to Use Composite Primary Keys Composite primary keys are useful in two cases: As identifiers of composite entities (for implementing M:N relationships) As identifiers of weak entities Because they are indexed, they automatically provide benefit of ensuring that there cannot be duplicate values Although they use two attributes instead of one, in SQL programming, you usually need both attributes anyway
Design cases Placement of foreign keys Historical data Fan traps Avoiding redundant relationships
Case #1: On which side of a relationship should you place a foreign key? M:M relationship: Always turn it into two 1:M relationships 1:M relationship: Always place the foreign key on the many side 1:1 relationship: (1,1):(0,1): Foreign key goes on (0,1) side (1,0):(0,1): Foreign key goes on whichever side will cause fewer nulls (1,1):(1,1): This relationship almost never exists in the real world. You probably made a mistake. Verify your cardinalities, or merge the two tables. Exception: this relationship is sometimes used for database performance optimization
Summary of Chapter 5: Advanced Database Modeling The Extended Entity Relationship (EER) model gives useful notation for modeling IS-A relationships Although multiple candidate keys might legally be elected as the primary key, some can do the job better than others Surrogate keys are often the best choice The foreign key always goes on the many side of a 1:M relationship For 1:1 relationships, it’s a bit complicated
Sources Most of the slides are adapted from Database Systems: Design, Implementation and Management by Carlos Coronel and Steven Morris. 11th edition (2015) published by Cengage Learning. ISBN 13: 978-1-285-19614-5 Other sources are noted on the slides themselves