INDICATORS OF HEALTH STATUS Burden of disease Disability Adjusted Life Year (DALY) Health status Morbidity Life expectancy Prevalence Mortality Incidence YLL - Years of life lost YLD - Years lived with a disability
Describe the population spread for 2014 for 30 – 34 years: 50 – 54 years: 80 – 84 years.
a.Identify the two types of graphs included in Figure 6.26 b.Compare the number of people aged in 2013; 2033 and 2053 c.Compare the number of people aged 85+ in 2013; 2033 and 2053 d.Describe the trend for the proportion of older people from
a.Identify the leading cause of death for males and females aged 25 – 44 in 2011 b.Identify one similarity and one difference between the leading cause of death for males and females aged 25 – 44 in 2011 c.Identify a determinant of health and an example that could account for the similarity and difference identified in b.
MORTALITY a.Identify the leading cause of death for males and females aged 45 – 64 in 2011 b.Identify one similarity and one difference between the leading cause of death for males and females aged 45 – 64 in 2011 c.Identify a determinant of health and an example that could account for the similarity and difference identified in b.
a.Describe a trend evident in the Figure 1. b.Use date to compare the life expectancy for males and females in 2103.
a.Identify three types of arthritis. b.Select two types that affect adults and briefly describe each. c.Identify one similarity and one difference between males and females aged 24 – 75 years +.
TYPES OF ARTHRITIS Normal Joint osteoarthritis The cartilage wears away Bone rubs on bone pain and limited mobility Common sites – knees, neck, lower back, hips, fingers Degenerative disease (becomes worse over time) ◘ Limited functioning – inability to write, walk, stand ◘ As disease progresses pain becomes worse incapacitation Risk factors – age and increasing body weight
TYPES OF ARTHRITIS Normal Joint Is a form of inflammatory arthritis – the immune system attacks the tissues lining the joints inflammation, pain and swelling Disability starts early in the disease Rheumatoid arthritis
TYPES OF ARTHRITIS Arthritis that occurs under age of 16. Characterised by periods of remission followed by the onset of signs and symptoms swelling, stiffness, pain
a.Describe the trend in obesity rates for persons over 18 years to 75 years and over for 2011 – 12. b.Suggest a reason for the high proportion of obesity at 54 – 64 years c.Suggest a reason for the decline in high proportion of obesity from 65 years +
a.Identify examples of STIs and blood borne viruses from the information above. b.Select one of the STIs identified in a and describe the trend from 1996 to (syphilis 2004 – 2013: HIV 2002 – 2013) c. Describe the trend for a Hep C 1996 – 2013.
KEY FEATURES/DESCRIPTION Abnormal cells (mutations) divide and invade nearby healthy tissue which in turns affects its ability to carry out normal functions. Word associated with caner – malignant, benign, tumor, neoplasm
Breast cancer Breast cancer is the largest cancer killer and most diagnosed cancer in females Breast cancer can strike at any age Males can be diagnosed with breast cancer however more females due to more breast tissue Colorectal cancer Includes cancer of the colon and rectum Second most diagnosed cancer in men and women (2007) and 3 rd leading cause of cancer death Lung Cancer Lung cancer is a major killer for men and women Prostate Cancer Major killer and most diagnosed type of cancer in males Most common – men over45 If detected early chances of survival are good
Melanoma skin cancer Extremely dangerous type of skin cancer Melanoma is cancer of the melanocytes (cells). Too much UV exposure causes melanocytes to grow abnormally and become malignant Non-melanoma skin cancer Most commonly diagnosed skin cancer Two types: 1.Basal cell cancer – most commonly diagnosed and Least dangerous 1. Squamous cell skin cancer – less common but cause more damage Generally treated with medication, radiation or surgically removed Cancer of the cervix Cancer of the cervix This type of cancer is largely preventable through HPV vaccine Responds to treatment if detected in early stages Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma Type of cancer that affects the lymph nodes (these form an important part of the immune system) Can occur in children but most common in adults
a.Use data to rank the prevalence of the different types of cancers in b.Select one type of cancer and describe the trend from 1982 to c.Identify one similarity and one difference evident in the graph. d.Select either breast cancer or melanoma of the skin and suggest a reason for the trend.
h ttp:// to-diabetes/What_is_diabetes/Diabetes-and-the-body/
a.Identify the percentage of persons aged of 25; 45; 55; 65 and 85 years and over who have diabetes. b.Use date to compare males to females between 24 years and 85 years. c.Which age group has the highest rate of diabetes?
a.Identify the percentage of persons aged of 25; 45; 55; 65 and 85 years and over who have heart disease. b.Use date to compare males to females between 24 years and 85 years. c.Which age group has the highest rate of heart disease?