Sara Hsu
Rich in natural resources such as coal, zinc, copper, tin and mercury Long eastern coastline with landlocked western border Same size as United States but more mountainous Divided into 31 administrative regions
Industrial development in 1950s Modeled after the Soviet Union Produced enlarged proletariat Workers overwhelmingly concentrated in cities Suppression of human rights (Cultural Revolution, Great Leap Forward) Closed off to trade
Turning point in China’s postwar era The 3rd Plenum of the 11th CCP Central Committee in 1978 Deng Xiaoping’s ascendancy-open to growth and change economic modernization became focus US-PRC established diplomatic relationship in 1979
Market authoritarian One party rule Major role for state enterprises Eclectic approach to free markets Growth without political and economic rights Performance-based legitimacy
From central planning to indicative planning From indicative planning to market allocation of goods and services ``Grow out of the plan” instead of ``shock therapy” Transition and growth at the same time
1978 through 1989 Third Plenum Household Responsibility System Township and Village Enterprises developed in rural areas Decentralization-local governments supported enterprises State Owned Enterprises-small amount of autonomy given to them Tiananmen Square
Reforms began smoothly Economic growth accelerated Nobody was made obviously worse Opponents were bought off Complex interdependence between state-owned enterprises and non-state sector Government revenues eroded
1992 to 2001 Deng’s Southern Tour in 1992-”to get rich is glorious” Elimination of dual-track system-prices sold on market Privatization-stock listing of medium and large enterprises Trade decentralization and liberalization-”Open Door Policy” Foreign direct investment Banking reform
The People’s Bank of China nominally the central bank part of the central bureaucratic hierarchy Policy banks and commercial banks Reduction of provincial leaders’ influence over bank decisions Loans to state-owned enterprises
Encourage investment, export, and import preferential treatment for overseas capital Gradual opening of the domestic market Accession to the WTO (December 2001) Trade expanded until end of 2008 when global crisis hit
2001 to Present WTO entry Scaling up in export value chain Minimum wage changes Impact of the Great Recession
Fifth, Sixth and Seventh Five-year Plan encompassed the agricultural sector and dual-track system of plan and market ( ) Eigth and Ninth Plan included Rise of the Market (1990s) Tenth and Eleventh Plan was Arrival on World Stage Eleventh Plan (2006) was first to focus on human aspect Twelfth Plan (2011) can be called the Balanced Growth Period
Political barriers to reform had to be overcome-opposition to marketization, negative attitudes—large success eliminated bad attitudes Dominance of the Party used to advance the reform cause Deng Xiaoping reaffirmed “socialist market economy” in 1992 Jiang Zemin and Zhu Rongji both reformists
Income distribution reform Ownership reform Deep institutional reforms in the countryside and to provide supportive conditions for the revival of rural entrepreneurship Rule of law Political reform
China’s gradualist approach to reform helped the country closely guide the economy toward successful developments and avoid domestic political conflict Rural, urban, trade and financial sector reforms were all components of planning.