Senior Safety Awareness Presented by: Sgt. Debra Newsome Canton Police
Who Am I ?? Community Relations Coordinator Position –Crime prevention education –Seminars, public service announcements, residential & business security surveys –Crime and data Analysis Sgt. Deb Newsome Community Relations Coordinator August 2006 Patrol Officer Detroit PD to 2001 Patrol Officer Canton Police Special Assignments: DARE Officer Bicycle Officer Evidence Tech. Department Instructor Arson Inv. Team & Detective Bureau Promoted to Road Patrol Sergeant January 2001
Holiday Safety Tips The holiday season is a very special time of year.The holiday season is a very special time of year. A time for rejoicing and sharing special moments with family and friends.A time for rejoicing and sharing special moments with family and friends. A time for catching up on old times.A time for catching up on old times. A time for giving and remembering those we love.A time for giving and remembering those we love. BUT…BUT…
YES, THERE IS ALWAYS A BUT!! It is also a time when busy people become careless and vulnerable to theft and other holiday crime (s).It is also a time when busy people become careless and vulnerable to theft and other holiday crime (s). We can never be overly prepared, too careful, or too aware.We can never be overly prepared, too careful, or too aware. I ask you to please share this information with your family and friends as well.I ask you to please share this information with your family and friends as well.
Carrying your personal items Avoid carrying a purse if possible. Perhaps a zippered “fanny pack” would be a better option.Avoid carrying a purse if possible. Perhaps a zippered “fanny pack” would be a better option. Carry your wallet or cash in a front pants pocket to deter pick-pocket thieves.Carry your wallet or cash in a front pants pocket to deter pick-pocket thieves. Use only ATM machines in a very public place, preferably indoors. Most shopping malls have ATM’s located inside.Use only ATM machines in a very public place, preferably indoors. Most shopping malls have ATM’s located inside. Pay attention to your surroundings.Pay attention to your surroundings.
Before you even leave your house Carry only those items that you need.Carry only those items that you need. –Take only the credit cards you intend to use. –Take only the cash you need, not your entire stockpile.
PARKING Pay attention and remember where you parked.Pay attention and remember where you parked. –This will reduce the time you are vulnerable in a parking lot setting. –Have your keys out and ready to gain entry into your vehicle. Park as close to where you are shopping as possible.Park as close to where you are shopping as possible. Stay away from bushes and places where someone could hide and plan a surprise attack on you.Stay away from bushes and places where someone could hide and plan a surprise attack on you. Pay attention to your surroundings.Pay attention to your surroundings. –Suspicious vehicles or persons –Do not park next to panel vans or vehicles in which people may conceal themselves. –If you see suspicious activity when returning to your car, trust your instincts and return to the shopping mall. Notify security or the police.
SHOPPING TIPS Do not carry more than you can handle.Do not carry more than you can handle. Do not shop until you drop (worn out).Do not shop until you drop (worn out). –Both of these make you easy prey for potential criminals. Shop during day light hours whenever possible.Shop during day light hours whenever possible. If traveling from store to store, place purchased items in the trunk of your vehicle out of sight from potential thieves.If traveling from store to store, place purchased items in the trunk of your vehicle out of sight from potential thieves.
SHOPPING TIPS Dress casually and comfortably.Dress casually and comfortably. Avoid wearing expensive jewelry.Avoid wearing expensive jewelry. Do not display cash.Do not display cash. Pay for items with a check or credit card whenever possible.Pay for items with a check or credit card whenever possible. Notify the credit card issuer immediately if your credit card is lost or stolen.Notify the credit card issuer immediately if your credit card is lost or stolen.
SHOPPING TIPS Keep a record of all of your credit card numbers in a safe place at home.Keep a record of all of your credit card numbers in a safe place at home. Enter and exit the store with other shoppers, whenever possible.Enter and exit the store with other shoppers, whenever possible. If you carry a purse, NEVER leave it unattended in a shopping cart.If you carry a purse, NEVER leave it unattended in a shopping cart. Beware of strangers approaching you for any reason. Con-artists may try various methods of distracting you with the intention of taking your money or belongings.Beware of strangers approaching you for any reason. Con-artists may try various methods of distracting you with the intention of taking your money or belongings.
STRANGERS AT YOUR DOOR Be aware that criminals sometimes pose as couriers delivering gifts.Be aware that criminals sometimes pose as couriers delivering gifts. –Do NOT allow people to walk into your building without first knowing that they have a purpose for being there. Check Credentials. It is not uncommon for criminals to take advantage of the generosity of people during the holiday season by soliciting donations door-to-door for charitable causes although no charity is involved.It is not uncommon for criminals to take advantage of the generosity of people during the holiday season by soliciting donations door-to-door for charitable causes although no charity is involved. Ask for their identification, and find out how the donated funds will be used. If you are not satisfied, do not donate.Ask for their identification, and find out how the donated funds will be used. If you are not satisfied, do not donate. Donate to recognized charitable organizations, ONLY.Donate to recognized charitable organizations, ONLY.
Safety While Driving
Safety in Your Car Keep your gas tank at least ½ full and the vehicle well maintained to avoid breakdowns.Keep your gas tank at least ½ full and the vehicle well maintained to avoid breakdowns. Keep your doors locked and windows up at all times.Keep your doors locked and windows up at all times. Lock packages and other valuables in the trunk, whenever possible.Lock packages and other valuables in the trunk, whenever possible. When returning to the car check the front and back seat before getting in.When returning to the car check the front and back seat before getting in. Never pick up hitchhikers!!Never pick up hitchhikers!!
Safety in Your Car If your car breaks down, pull to the right as far as possible. Call for help on your cell phone and wait inside your vehicle until help arrives.If your car breaks down, pull to the right as far as possible. Call for help on your cell phone and wait inside your vehicle until help arrives. Always. Did I say Always? Carry a cell phone.Always. Did I say Always? Carry a cell phone. Don’t leave your keys in the car while unattended, even for a moment.Don’t leave your keys in the car while unattended, even for a moment.
Safety in Your Car When stopped at a light, leave enough space between you and the car in front of you in order to pull away quickly if necessaryWhen stopped at a light, leave enough space between you and the car in front of you in order to pull away quickly if necessary Be leery of anyone approaching your car (For directions, with fliers, etc…)Be leery of anyone approaching your car (For directions, with fliers, etc…) If you want to help a stranded motorist, call the police. Don’t stop by yourself, you don’t know who they are or what they might have just done.If you want to help a stranded motorist, call the police. Don’t stop by yourself, you don’t know who they are or what they might have just done.
Safety in Your Car If your car is bumped by another vehicle drive to a safe well lit area with other people around, keep your doors locked and windows up.If your car is bumped by another vehicle drive to a safe well lit area with other people around, keep your doors locked and windows up. Be leery of the “Bump and Rob” criminals. They sometimes stage a minor accident and then rob you when you pull over.Be leery of the “Bump and Rob” criminals. They sometimes stage a minor accident and then rob you when you pull over. If you get a flat tire, drive on the rim slowly to a safe area.If you get a flat tire, drive on the rim slowly to a safe area.
Safety in Your Car Anytime you are suspicious stay in your car with the windows up and doors locked and wait for the policeAnytime you are suspicious stay in your car with the windows up and doors locked and wait for the police Don’t stop to help other motorists, if you want to help call the police from your cell or nearby telephoneDon’t stop to help other motorists, if you want to help call the police from your cell or nearby telephone No Hitchhikers!No Hitchhikers!
PROTECTING YOURSELVES People often ask us, what is your best advice on how to protect ourselves? My answer is always the same! The best way to protect yourself is to prevent the crime from happening in the first place! YEAH RIGHT, YOU SAY. How do we accomplish this ??
PREVENTIVE PROTECTION 1 st. Realize that it CAN happen to you and take steps to avoid it. Don’t live in a bubble. Times are different today.1 st. Realize that it CAN happen to you and take steps to avoid it. Don’t live in a bubble. Times are different today. 2 nd. Be aware of your surroundings at all times. Constantly scan your environment. Walk with awareness and confidence. Make eye contact with potential scoundrels. Let them know you know that they are there.2 nd. Be aware of your surroundings at all times. Constantly scan your environment. Walk with awareness and confidence. Make eye contact with potential scoundrels. Let them know you know that they are there. 3 rd. Avoid potential dangerous situations, use your common sense and use the buddy system whenever practical.3 rd. Avoid potential dangerous situations, use your common sense and use the buddy system whenever practical. 4 th. Report all suspicious activity to the proper authorities, do not ignore it or turn your back. Trust your instincts.4 th. Report all suspicious activity to the proper authorities, do not ignore it or turn your back. Trust your instincts. 5 TH. Do not allow yourself to be a victim.5 TH. Do not allow yourself to be a victim.
FIGHT OR FLIGHT RESPONSE We were all born with the fight or flight instinct (caveman response). If something looks potentially dangerous, tingles your 6th senses and makes the hair on the back of your neck stand up. THE SITUATION IS POTENTIALLY DANGEROUS !!!