6-4 Exponents and Division
Video Tutor Help Simplifying when zero is an exponentSimplifying when zero is an exponent (6-4) Simplifying with negative exponentsSimplifying with negative exponents (6-4) Multiplying powers with the same baseMultiplying powers with the same base (6-4b) Exponents and Division Zero as an Exponent Negative Exponents Khan Academy 6-4 Exponents and Division Course 3 Simplifying Divided Exponential Expressions Exponential expressions with divided terms can be simplified using the rules for subtracting exponents. 6-4 Exponents and Division Course 3 Roots and Unit Fraction Exponents Exponents can not only be integers. They can also be fractions. Using the rules of exponents, we can see why a number raised to the power "one over n" is equivalent to the nth root of that number. 6-4 Exponents and Division Course 3 Rational Exponents Exponents can not only be integers and unit fractions. An exponent can be any rational number expressed as the quotient of two integers.
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