CDM and Transport Dr. Jürg M. Grütter
September 08grütter consulting2 Company Background Development, negotiation and monitoring of the first GHG reduction sales agreement of transport companies in Europe (more than 70 companies; sales of GHG offsets from ) Design, planning and implementation of GHG transport projects worldwide since 1992 with experience in more than 20 countries in Asia, Africa, Latin America and Europe Author of the only UNFCCC approved large-scale methodology for transport projects (AM0031) Author of the only approved biofuel production methodology not based on recycling (AMS.III.T) Author of the first and only large scale CDM transport project registered (TransMilenio registered ) Various new transport meths under review 50+ PDDs transport under development Offices in Bolivia, Brasil, China, Colombia, India, Switzerland, Vietnam and partner offices in Mexico and Thailand
September 08grütter consulting3 TransMilenio: The First CDM Transport Project Project Type: Integrated BRT Size: 1.5 million passengers per day Status: registered, CERs issued CERs + VERs: about 400,000/year
September 08grütter consulting4 Sources of Emission Reductions
September 08grütter consulting5 CDM Benefits Economic: Around 25 million USD until 2012 Total project lifetime around million USD Flexibility: no strings are attached to CDM income Prestige: international recognition as beneficial for cliamte change Environmental: monitoring and control as well as reporting of major environmental emittents incl. CO2, PM, NOx and SO2
September 08grütter consulting6 Some other BRTs with CDM of grutter consulting Pereira, Cali, Chongqing, Mexico City, Quito
September 08grütter consulting7 Selected Metro Projects with CDM of grutter consulting Metro Delhi, Skytrain Mumbai, Metro Medellin
September 08grütter consulting8 Cable Car Medellin, Colombia 3 cable car lines with a capacity of 3,000 p/h and 30,000 per day Unique world-wide as mass transit (highest passenger number world-wide) Integrated with metro
September 08grütter consulting9 Straight Vegetable Oil, Paraguay Project type: biofuel production and usage in transport Crop: non-edible, soil-regenerative crops
September 08grütter consulting10 TED Nanchang, China Size: 200,000 persons affected TED measures include balanced land-use, development along transit stations, dense bus system, improved NMT, car restriction TED goals: less trips, shorter trips, environmentally friendly trips
September 08grütter consulting11 E-Diesel Bangalore, India Project type: Ethanol-diesel usage in bus fleets Fleet: 5,000 buses
September 08grütter consulting12 Bridge Mumbai, India Project type: infrastructure Size: 8 lanes, 22km, 20,000 vehicles per day
September 08grütter consulting13 Electric Vehicles, India Project type: low GHG vehicles Vehicles: 150,000 units per year
September 08grütter consulting14 Freight Road to Ship, Colombia Project type: freight mode shift 600,000 t freight on river instead of road over 500km distance
September 08grütter consulting15 Current Status Transport is a major GHG emitter and many potential projects exist Very few approved transport methodologies and projects – however situation is improving Methodologies in transport are complex Monitoring in transport can be costly and difficult Establishing baseline is costly as additional studies are required Perspectives are however fairly positive: 2009 we expect some 20 CDM transport projects to get into the CDM process
September 08grütter consulting16 Further Information