Presentation TitleSub-title Rural Villages Plan Online presentation, November 2013
Presentation TitleSub-title Locality plans and development codes for coastal/northern suburbs include the following areas: Kings Forest, Pottsville, Hastings Point, Cobaki, Cabarita/Bogangar, Kingscliff (draft) Tweed Heads Locality plans for inland towns/villages: Uki, Murwillumbah (town centre) Introduction. Council prepares planning documents: locality plans, development codes or development control plans to guide development in areas where growth occurs. The majority of those documents apply to Tweed coastal villages and suburbs, where the pressure to develop the land is particularly intense.
Presentation TitleSub-title Council plans for future of the coastal villages to occur in a sustainable way: by encouraging development incorporating the principles of sustainability, by prohibiting development where necessary, to reduce the coastal population growth pressure, by providing for a diversity of housing options, by ensuring that development responds to local natural and built character. Pottsville Terranora, “Area E”
Presentation TitleSub-title Regional Planning The Far North Coast Regional Strategy , prepared by State Government Department of Planning & Infrastructure predicts the following growth to occur in the Far North Coast region between 2006 and 2031: 60,400 more people, 51,000 new homes. The Far North Coast region includes Tweed, Byron, Lismore, Kyogle and Ballina shires. To access the Strategy please use the link provided: on/pdf/fncrs_strategy_fin.pdf on/pdf/fncrs_strategy_fin.pdf
Presentation TitleSub-title What is a rural village? The North Coast Urban Design Guidelines provide for the following characteristics of a rural village: 1. Compact and well-defined with an obvious centre and community focus 2. Informal edges that mediate between the village and the surrounding natural or rural environment. 3. Located in close proximity to a waterway or on a major highway or rail line. 4. Surrounded by farmlands. 5. Generally of walkable size 6. Surrounding landscape provides strong visual connections With the environmental setting. 7. A range of functions, including residential dwellings, community facilities, public open space and commercial area. 8. Formal street grid generated by a wide mixed-used main road.
Presentation TitleSub-title Chillingham TumbulgumStokers SidingTyalgum MooballUkiBurringbar There are 7 settlements in the rural areas which demonstrate features of a rural village (as outlined on previous slide).
Presentation TitleSub-title Rural Villages in the Tweed
Presentation TitleSub-title Tweed Valley operates as a network of communities with Murwillumbah being a regional centre. Planning for future needs of this region should be based on an understanding of the role of each village and the way they respond to the needs of residents, workers and visitors. For that reason appropriate planning should be undertaken for each village in the region. Murwillumbah
Presentation TitleSub-title Purpose of the Rural Villages Plan: To recognise a role that each village has in the settlement hierarchy in the region, To recognise a role that each village should have in the settlement hierarchy, To maintain and enhance the liveability of rural villages in the region, To strengthen the role of Murwillumbah as a central place in the region, To develop understanding of needs of people living in rural villages of the Shire.
Presentation TitleSub-title Each village provides key essential services to people living in a village or in the neighborhood (catchment) : local shop, post office, school, church. The level of services available in the villages is directly related to the size of local population. Population (ABS Census 2011): Tumbulgum village: 383 Catchment (incl. village): 1429* Uki village: 765 Catchment (incl. village): 2201 Tyalgum village: 503 Catchment (incl. village): 1197 Stokers Siding village: 655 Catchment (incl. village): 819 Chillingham village: 286 Catchment (incl. village): 1191 Burringbar suburb: 858 Mooball village: 377 Burringbar & Mooball catchment: 1812 Uki Stokers Siding Burringbar & Mooball Tyalgum Chillingham Tumbulgum
Presentation TitleSub-title Role of Murwillumbah in the region: While rural villages provide local communities with key essential services, Murwillumbah as region’s central place provides higher order goods and services requiring a high threshold of population: shopping centre, hospital, TAFE, cinema, court, specialized services. Murwillumbah Through regional analysis, The Rural Villages Plan can provide quite specific, relevant information about what kind of services will likely work in a village, or in Murwillumbah, given population needs, size, and distance between settlements.
Presentation TitleSub-title Rural Villages Plan: A Sustainable Region Region that responds to change, to create places where people want to live now and in the future. Sustainable region is a place that meets the needs of its current residents and is responsive to future changes in communities and their needs. A connected network of towns and villages will provide a choice of well designed housing and associated lifestyles. A place that preserves natural environment and respects the character towns and villages. Region that responds to its special setting and unique opportunities.
Presentation TitleSub-title Community Consultations Preparation of the Plan Public Exhibition Endorsement by Council November 2013 Rural Villages Plan timeline
Presentation TitleSub-title Community consultations – essential questions: What is great about our village? What makes our village a healthy place to live, work, learn and play? How does each of us make a contribution? How would we describe our region’s greatest potential? Character and heritage – what’s important? Economy – what’s important? Population change – how is it affecting rural villages? Where are the villages different or similar? Themes for the future – future ideas? How do you move around? Where do you work, shop, recreate?
Presentation TitleSub-title Thank you Please use the online survey to provide input – your involvement is essential to help us better understand and plan for the needs of people living in rural villages of the Shire.