Proton Source Reference Notes for mu2e at Fermilab 1 Section 1: Compilation of parameters describing the existing Fermilab accelerator complex and the proposed new Fermilab Proton Driver Section 2: Candidate rebunching schemes being discussed
SECTION 1 2 Compilation of parameters describing the existing Fermilab accelerator complex and the proposed new Fermilab Proton Driver 1.1 Fermilab Accelerator Complex 1.2 Booster 1.3 Recycler 1.4 Antiproton Accumulator 1.5 Antiproton Debuncher 1.6 Fermilab Proton driver
1.1 Fermilab Accelerator Complex Proton Driver Linac (H - ) 3
1.2 Fermilab Booster 4
1.3 Fermilab Recycler CircumferenceC=2πR ave 3320m MomentumP8.89 GeV/c Rev. frequency, Period f0T0f0T kHz 11 μs Slip factorη=1/γ 2 - 1/γ t Tunesν x, ν y 25.4,24.4 5
1.4 Antiproton Accumulator 6
1.5 Antiproton Debuncher 7
1.6 Proposed Fermilab Proton Driver 8 GeV H- Linac 8
Proton Driver Parameter List 9
Proton Driver Parameter List GeV Superconducting LINAC EnergyGeV8 Particle Type H- Ions, Protons, or Electrons Rep. RateHz10 Active Lengthm671 Beam CurrentmA25 Pulse Lengthmsec1 Beam IntensityP / pulse1.5E+14 (can also be H-, P, or e-) P/s1.5E+15 Linac Beam PowerMW avg.2 MW peak200 MAIN INJECTOR WITH 8 GeV LINAC MI Beam EnergyGeV120 MI Beam PowerMW2.0 MI Cycle Timesec1.5 filling time = 1msec MI Protons/cycle1.5E+14 5x design MI Protons/hrP / hr3.6E+17 H-minus Injectionturns90 MI Beam CurrentmA
SECTION Definitions 2.2 Schemes Candidate rebunching schemes being discussed
2.1 Proton Source Definition Bunch Train Bunch Trains / sec: f TRAIN Bunch Spacing: T B No. of bunches: N B Bunches No. protons/bunch: n P Bunch Length (±2.5 ) : ±t B Note: 99% of beam within ±t B Derived Numbers Protons/train Protons/year (10 7 secs) Beam seen by primary proton target 12
2.2 Proton Source Scenario 1 Bunch Trains / sec: f TRAIN 5 (*) Bunch Spacing: T B 1 ms No. of bunches: N B 100 No. protons/bunch: n P 1 Bunch Length (±2.5 ) : t B ±12.5 ns Protons/train 1 Protons/year (10 7 secs) 5 Description: Fermilab Proton Driver at 2MW. Recycler used to capture and bunch, with bunch by bunch extraction. Notes: (*) For 0.5MW FPD, f TRAIN 1.8 and Protons/year 1.8 “PRISM”-like extracted beam 13
2.2 Proton Source Scenario 2 Bunch Trains / sec: f TRAIN 5 (*) Bunch Spacing: T B 1.53 s No. of bunches: N B 6.6×10 4 No. protons/bunch: n P 7.5 10 7 Bunch Length (2.5 ) : t B 200 ns ( ns) Protons/train 5 Protons/year (10 7 secs) 2.5 Description: Fermilab Booster at 0.1 MW (using 0.03MW). Accumulator used to capture and bunch at h=1, with slow extraction. (0.1s bunch, 0.1s extract) 14 Note: MECO-like extracted beam
2.2 Proton Source Scenario 3 Bunch Trains / sec: f TRAIN 1 (*) Bunch Spacing: T B 1.6 s No. of bunches: N B 33×10 4 No. protons/bunch: n P 6 10 7 Bunch Length (2.5 ) : t B 150 ns ( ns) Protons/train 2 Protons/year (10 7 secs) 2 Description: Fermilab Booster at 0.1 MW (using 0.025MW). Accumulator used to capture 4 Booster turns and bunch at h=1, with slow extraction. (~0.5s inject and bunch, ~0.5s extract) 15 Note: MECO-like extracted beam
2.2 Proton Source Scenario 3 continued 16 to Accumulatorto Recyclerprepulses Main Injector cycle … to Recyclerprepulses empty Recycler to Main Injector bunch extract Booster Rate = 15*17/22 = 11.6 Hz Booster timeline (concurrent with Nova) 1.47 sec (22 cycles)