1 Presentation of the second External evaluation of the University of Luxembourg ( ) Luxembourg, February 17 nd 2011
2 Overview of presentation Short history of evaluation process Adapted approach for second cycle Areas & general framework Peer-assessment Integrated review Timing Questions?
3 A short history of the evaluation process Legal framework External evaluation of Research / Teaching & Learning / Organisation & Management 4 year cycle (including follow up) First cycle : Handbook 2008: Evaluation 2009: Report 2010: Follow up RESULT: ‘baseline for later reference’ Many positive achievements on unit & programme level AND Many challenging issues deserving further attention. “Strengthen the development of the University as a coherent whole”
4 Adapted approach for the second cycle Aims and Focus ACCOUNTABILITY: assessment of the present state and the dynamics of the University Provide public with updated account of the current state of affairs in University IMPROVEMENT: adapted procedures designed to support further development Focus on strengthening the University as a coherent whole, using a more explicit institutional perspective
5 Areas & general framework Three broad areas : Organisation & Management (O&M) Teaching & Learning (T&L) Research & Innovation (R&I) Evaluation in two phases : Performance-oriented peer-assessment of the five research priorities Mission-led, process-oriented integrated evaluation of the University and its Faculties
6 A. Peer-assessment of research priorities Similar approach as in 2008 5 prioritised research units external review by 5 expert panels self-evaluations / site visits / individual reports framework: input / process / output / quality assurance Stronger focus on performance 2008: grades on 4 point scale, assessing ‘quality culture’ within unit 2012: grades on 5 point scale, assessing quality of performance of unit Procedures & criteria: more detail in next presentation
7 B. Integrated evaluation (1) Mission-led & Process-oriented: four guiding questions 1. WHAT IS OUR VISION AND HOW DOES IT RELATE TO OUR MISSION? 2. HOW DO WE TRY TO REALISE THIS VISION? 3. HOW DO WE KNOW TO WHAT EXTENT WE ARE REALISING OUR VISION? 4. HOW DO WE MANAGE AND ENHANCE QUALITY? 4 units: Central management & three Faculties Central management: FOCUS of the 4 questions on University-wide strategies, and the general capacity to monitor and improve its overall achievements. Additional question: 5. HOW DO WE INTER-RELATE TO THE INDIVIDUAL FACULTY STRUCTURES AND PROCESSES? 3 areas: O&M / T&L / R&I Overall grade on 4 point scale, assessing ‘quality culture’ within central management
8 B. Integrated evaluation (2) Faculties: FOCUS of the four questions on how University-wide strategies relate to specific Faculty-wide strategies, and how the three Faculties monitor and improve their own realisations Additional question: HOW DO WE INTER-RELATE TO OTHER FACULTIES AND TO UNIVERSITY STRUCTURES AND PROCESSES? 2 areas: T&L / R&I For T&L: special attention to the Faculties’ strategies and mechanisms for the development, validation, delivery and reliable assessment of appropriate learning outcomes in their various programs 2 grades on 4 point scale for each Faculty, assessing the effectiveness of the quality culture in securing outcomes a) in the area of Teaching and Learning, and b) in the area of Research
9 Timing TIMELINEPEER ASSESSMENTINTEGRATED EVALUATION 2 December The Committee presents the Handbook and all units initiate the self-assessment process January The composition of peer review panels is finalised 1 February Deadline for the draft self-assessment reports of the research priorities 17 February The Committee trains the external experts for the peer review panels 7-9 May The peer review panels conduct their in situ visits 1 June Deadline for the draft self-assessment report for the integrated evaluation Mid June The peer review panels submit their reports to the Committee Sep The Committee prepares for the integrated evaluation Oct The Committee conducts its in situ visit Dec The Committee sends its preliminary report to the University March 2013The Committee publishes its final report
10 Thank you for your attention Questions?