CFA # 3 Review Quiz 1) What was the purpose of the Turtle Bayou Resolutions? 2) What was the last Civil War battle in Texas and when did it take place? 3) What was the Treaty of Medicine Lodge Creek? Map activities: 1) Label the four regions of Texas. 2) Where did most Civil War battles in Texas take place in Texas? (Label them on the map) 3) Label Galveston and explain the battle that took place there was significant based on the map.
` 1) Where did most civil war battles in Texas take place? 2) what was the last battle of the Civil war? 3) What role did blockades have in determining where battles were fought? 4) on the map label Dallas, San Antonio, Houston, and Galveston
Objective: Scholars will learn about the history of Native Americans/ African Americans and be able to write about their histories using an IB Rubric level of 3 or greater. In order to do that you are going to practice writing a biography. Word you will need to use in order to write this: Policy, Human rights, Reservations, Trail of Tears, raids
Key Points: 1) Texas history began with the Native Americans forming their identity on the land. 2) Control of Texas changed hands many times throughout its history. 3) Movement of people lead to conflict. 4) The treatment of Native Americans throughout the history of the United States defines our opinions of people from other cultures. 5) The Trail of Tears was a traumatic event that had a lasting impact on Native American Life.
Raids Tactic used by native Americans to gather supplies. Scared and Angered many Anglo Settlers.
Settler Response Buffalo soldiers Guns Wagon trains CFU- Were settler responses adequate to stop Indian Raids? Why or why not?
Policy Policies are laws that are created to address a specific problem. Indian Removal act forced Native Americans to leave their land and move onto reservations. CFU: Was the Indian Removal Act justified?
Treaty of Medicine Lodge Creek The treaties negotiated at Medicine Lodge Creek - surrender of traditional tribal territories in exchange for much smaller reservations in Indian Territory (present day Oklahoma) Food, clothing, equipment, and weapons and ammunition for hunting. Money for schools and buildings.
Trail of Tears CFU: Why was the Trail of Tears such a traumatic event in Native American history?
Picture of life before the Trail of Tears and Picture of life after
Product (create)- How to write a biography Paragraph 1- Timeline of their life Paragraph 2- Identify important actions of their lives. Paragraph 3- Explain how the important actions they took had a lasting impact or how their actions served as a lasting example to people. Let’s practice writing our own biography. (guided practice)
Independent practice Write a biography on Cynthia Ann Parker and Fredrick Douglas. HW: 1) Complete Cornell notes over Chapter 16 2) Complete the biographies, edit them, and type them. 3) Watch a video on the Trail of Tears, Native American raids, frontier life and then write 2-3 sentences on each.
Closure and Exit Ticket Closure: What did we learn about Native Americans today? Exit ticket: - What were Native American Raids and what were some its effects on policy making in the United States? You have to include the following in your responses: -All of the key vocabulary words. - Indian Removal act - Reservation - -policy - Native American raids - Trail of Tears - Human rights.
Compare and Contrast the lives of the following groups of people Intro Slaves Freedman Native Americans Conclusion * Each paragraph should include at least five vocabulary terms.