Choosing Compelling Topics Session 2, March 2015 NTI
Compelling Topics “There is a case made by both the authors of the Common Core State Standards and the research base from which they drew that the causal relationship between a child’s knowledge of words and the world – the connection between content knowledge and literacy achievement – and his or her chances to succeed academically is startlingly strong.” One way to meet this goal is through what Expeditionary Learning calls “compelling topics.” 2
Learning Target I can describe how compelling topics ensure that students build knowledge of the world. We will explore together what makes a topic “compelling.” 3
Frayer Model Locate the Frayer Model on p. X. We will use this as our notecatcher throughout the session The Frayer Model is a vocabulary strategy that is often used in the modules. 4
What Makes Work “Compelling?” As you view this video, consider, “What compelled students to engage in this challenging and high-stakes work?” 5
Discuss You will have the opportunity to see the recommendations students made to the community and the Mayor later in the session. Discuss your reactions to the video, particularly in relation to students’ motivation. Jot 1-2 “characteristics” of compelling topics in the characteristics box of your notecatcher. 6
Student Work Locate the student work on your tables, along with the 3-5 and 6-8 ELA Curriculum Plans in your Participant’s Notebooks, pp. X-X. Work in small groups at your tables to analyze the student work for: the Common Core Standards the work was designed to meet. the ways the work would compel students to read closely and write from sources/with evidence. 7
Frayer Model Add specific information about what makes a topic “compelling” to the examples and models box of your Frayer model. Review the 3-5 or 6-8 Curriculum Plans for the ELA Curriculum. The topics of the modules were chosen because of their “compellingness.” Discuss which of the topics have been most compelling to the students at their school. 8
Transformational Literacy Form groups of 3. Locate the “It Says, I Say, And So” protocol/ notecatcher on p. X. Read the selection from Transformational Literacy that has to do with compelling topics on pp. X-X. Select and comment on specific ideas from the text that “compel” students to read complex text and write with evidence. 9
Share Discuss the ideas you selected from text; ensure that each member of the group offers up one specific idea. 10
Frayer Model Work with your group to add the characteristics of compelling topics to your Frayer Model. 11
Frayer Model Continue to work as a group to brainstorm non-examples of compelling work/topics and add these to your Frayer Model. 12
Define “Compelling Topic” Continue to work as a group. Create a definition for the content of a “compelling topic.” “A compelling topic is __________.” 13
Brainstorm Possible Topics Brainstorm a list of ideas for compelling topics that would work in your grade level/ school/community. Post lists when finished. 14
Closing Browse the “gallery” of compelling topic brainstorms just posted. Take pictures, tweet, etc. Capture what you want to remember. Use p. X for your reflections. 15