Update on the GHRSST Users Manual GDS2.0 rev04.4 Book Captains: Chris Jeffery 1 and Jorge Vazquez 2 1 - Content Brief overview of the GHRSST project Background.


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Presentation transcript:

Update on the GHRSST Users Manual GDS2.0 rev04.4 Book Captains: Chris Jeffery 1 and Jorge Vazquez Content Brief overview of the GHRSST project Background on merging SST data from difference sources –SST definitions (CF standard names), incorporating descriptions of skin, sub-skin, foundation etc.., and descriptions of satellite sampling characteristics. –Overview of GHRSST processing systems Description of GHRSST data products L2P, L3, L4 –Mainly drawn/edited from the specification and naming convention documents. GHRSST data access –Information obtaining GHRSST data from the GDAC, LTSRF, MMR (with links/screenshots). Reading GHRSST data –Links to information about NetCDF. –Simple example + links to scripts for reading GHRSST data files. Information about GHRSST services e.g. –HRDDS, MDB, GMPE Examples of applications of GHRSST data products –Taken from the GHRSST website (could use updating with more recent information?) Appendices contain links to/copies of the GHRSST product tables,

2 - Changes (from previous versions v1.x – March 2008) Formatting consistent with other GDS2.0 documents –Table of contents, figures, tables etc… applicable/reference docs. General edits to scope and content of the document –Updated figures where possible –Updated text to use latest info from the other GDS docs. Removed focus of v1.x on large appendix sections –Replaced example code for reading GHRSST data with links. –Code neither looks good or copies well from word docs. SST definitions section now based on the CF standard names. reflecting the convections documents. Added descriptive text for single sensor error statistics Trimmed section on HRDSS (now a separate doc), and added text covering MDB, and GMPE along with links. Addition of an ‘applications of GHRSST data’ section to document.

3 - Status and Expected Completion date Not much left to do? (see new issues slide) Some general formatting/hyperlinks/references to fix Relies on information from other GDS2.0 documents e.g. specifications/convections. –Need to ensure information in Users Manual is consistent. –Do we need to wait until the specification documents are finalized? Could it use a section with notable publications which take advantage of GHRSST data products? –Like the GHRSST articles section of the website –Perhaps include a small summary/blurb? Replace the existing product tables in the Appendix? – Fix Issues brought up by DAS-TAG review documents etc…

Issues/thoughts/potential additions/subtractions for GHRSST 11… MMR, GDAC, LTSRF, DDS, GMPE – Do we need to expand these sections? Do we need to update the section on the MDB/SSES for the Users Manual – Probably at least the section on current/future plans. add SQUAM to the Intercomparison section/services section of the Users Manual e.g. an expanded section on Data discovery (also see NAIADS)? DAS-TAG comment: retooling of the Users Manual L2/L3/L4 section to be more useful to science users? Perhaps cut some of the text in these sections or change some of the language. L3/L4 are already quite brief. Uses (or types of users) for global gridded daily files (L4) or individual swaths (potentially many files for each day -L2). Analysis products or just the data? –Maybe add a section relating types of users e.g. climate, historical, real-time, modeling, education community? (L2/L4 and LTSRF/GDAC etc…) – and how they could potentially get GHRSST data Users can see browse graphics of GHRSST products in the LTSRF (including Google Earth kmls for each) - Couple this with a section on data discovery maybe? NAIADS Should there be something in the Users Manual about individual working groups? E.g. Should we have an expanded section in the users manual on Diurnal warming/variability, and how is it handled by GHRSST products

4 – AUS-TAG Terms of Reference (1) The Applications and User Services Technical Advisory Group (AUS-TAG) of the Group for High Resolution Sea Surface Temperature (GHRSST) was formed at the 10th meeting of the GHRSST Science Team (GHRSST-ST) in Santa Rosa California, June 1-5, The GHRSST-ST voted to form the group as a result of the need to consolidate and facilitate better communications for user’s and application’s support within the GHRSST science and user community. (copied from the AUS-TAG report)

RESPONSIBLITIES –Manage all aspects of the GHRSST User Manual. This includes overseeing all new versions, providing periodic reviews, as deemed necessary by the science team, and maintaining the latest version to the user community. –Maintain and develop methods for data discovery within the GHRSST R/GTS. This includes making recommendations to the science team on new technologies that could improve data access and usability. Will also work closely with the data management technical advisory group in the implementation of these new technologies. –Actively solicit (using acceptable outreach tools, workshops, symposia, brochures etc) catalog and publish GHRSST user feedback in order that the groups within GHRSST may act on feedback. 4 – AUS-TAG Terms of Reference (2)

RESPONSIBLITIES continued… –Help coordinate and facilitate GHRSST users symposium, as deemed appropriate by the GHRSST-ST. This does not include chairing the event. Such chairs will be appointed in coordination with the GHRSST-ST Science Chair. –Develop new methods of user documentation This will include working closely with and facilitating communication between the different technical advisory groups, such as the Diurnal Variability, Inter-comparisons technical advisory group and others. MEMBERSHIP –Chair and Vice-Chair of the AUS-TAG shall be appointed by the GHRSST-ST. Term of chairmanship is at the discretion of the GHRSST-ST and will be reviewed periodically by the GHRSST-ST and science chair. Membership of the AUS-TAG shall be done on volunteer basis, appointed by the chair and co-chair, or by the GHRSST-ST. There will be no limits on the term of membership 4 – AUS-TAG Terms of Reference (2)