Academic Honor Policy Survey Results Amy Guerette, Jennifer Buchanan and Ann DelRossi On behalf of the Academic Honor Policy Committee
Academic Integrity Survey Conducted in Spring Semester 2003 and 2015 as part of ICAI national survey – 2,179 respondents; 36% faculty response rate, 23% TA response rate, and 13% student response rate. Plan to discuss the good news, the bad news, and what we think it’s worth doing in response to results. Not citing exact data due to time constraints – full survey results posted at under “Academic Resources,” “Academic Integrity...”
Good News Students report both cheating less frequently and seeing others cheat less frequently at FSU than in high school. In 2015, students report cheating much less frequently than the 2003 respondents. Students, faculty, and TAs report that they understand/support the policy (and do so at higher levels than those in 2003). Students assume that instructors know more than they think they know about how to deal with cases.
Bad News Instructors focus prevention messages on plagiarism, when unauthorized collaboration is more frequent. Students said they don’t view working together as serious cheating. Students report creating course-based Facebook groups and using them to collaborate on homework and/or quizzes. Taking exams online increases dramatically (by nine- fold) the level of reported cheating behavior.
“Take-Aways” Today’s students rely on instructors to understand, convey, and uphold the Academic Honor Policy. Proctoring for online courses is essential! Instructors need to clarify their expectations about collaboration both verbally and in writing. The Academic Honor Policy is working!
Academic Honor Policy By Academic Year (Since New Policy Effective Fall 2005)
Florida State University Academic Honor Policy (AHP)
University Resources Office of Faculty Development and Advancement: under Academics – Academic Honor Policy, Grade Appeals System, annual Important Policies and Procedures Memo, or at Students should be referred to the Dean of Students Department at Office of Distance Learning: Testing Center: