Resident Advisor Training - Fall 2014
How your role as a student staff member fits in Why the conduct piece is important How this is a piece of the puzzle in building community
Located in Memorial Hall, 2 nd floor Uphold the Student Code of Conduct Fair, timely, educational process Integrity of the UGA name
Maintain security in the residence halls Ensure comfortable environment conducive to academic success as well as social connections and integration Establish norms for appropriate behavior in living communities in preparation for life off campus
1. Academic Dishonesty Knowingly performing, attempting, or assisting another 2. Other Acts of Dishonesty Identification, documents/records/forms, elections, ballots 3. Disorderly Conduct Disruption, disturbance, threatens or endangers, harassment, published rules, failure to comply, campus demonstrations, obstruction, entering without ticket, circulation
4. Alcohol and Other Drug Related Misconduct Use, possession, distribution, disruptive or disorderly conduct 5. Theft, Damage, & Disregard for Property Taking, attempt, damage or destruction, selling or attempting to sell 6. Fire Safety & Sanitation Misusing, damaging, tampering, setting or causing fire, fireworks/explosives, false fire alarm, obstructing fire exit, failure to exit, creating dangerous environment 7. Weapons Firearms, explosives, other weapons, dangerous chemicals, etc.
8. Unauthorized Entry or Use Entry or attempted entry (facilities, car, backpack, account), use, possession, duplication 9. Student Housing Unauthorized entry, attempted entry, failure to comply with housing policies 10. Computer Use Failure to comply 11. Gambling Conducting, organizing, or participating
12. Hazing Participating, condoning, encouraging, requiring 13. Interference with the Orderly Operation of the Conduct Process Unreasonably delaying, providing false/distorted/misrepresented information, disrupting the orderly operation, discouraging an individuals participation in the process, harassing, intimidating, failure to comply with sanctions 14. Shared Responsibility for Violations Acting in concert to violate, knowingly condoning, encouraging, requiring, allowing, condoning, permitting, providing an opportunity for a guest
munityguide-update pdf munityguide-update pdf Lock Security/Access Visitation Overnight Guests Cooking Noise/Quiet Hours Unauthorized Entry Smoking – Tobacco
Eyes and ears in the community Educating students about policy Resource – rights and responsibilities as a student and member of a community Enforcement of policy through documentation Ethical decision making Integrity
JA Homepage Login: MyID and Password
Report Received Review and Initial Meeting No Action Informal Resolution/ Conduct Review Conference Formal Hearing by UJ/Formal Hearing by CRB Appeal
University Judiciary Student Organization – advised by OSC Advisor Advocate Hearing panel Conduct Review Board Student Organization under RHA – advised by SDSC Formal hearing panel
They should expect an to their UGA account with instructions Read the student code of conduct/Community Guide Outlines rights and responsibilities Outlines the hearing process Specific questions: Direct them to the Area Coordinator or Residence Hall Director Do Not: Assume what violations have occurred Assume what will happen in the process Assume what sanctions could be assigned
General Q&A Returners Things you have wondered about What questions have students asked you about the process? Based on all the other training you have had leading up to/documenting…. What questions/what ifs do you have
Trust in the process But…if you have concerns – tell someone (the appropriate someone!) Conduct Officers are trained To hear cases Take cases on an individual basis Sanctioning Different outcomes for same violation(s) Student voice heard through the process Educational and Developmental One side of the story FERPA
Log on at Create new incident by pushing this button:
First, enter in the information on the top of the screen. Only input information into the following sections. Remember AM vs PM and Dates (especially if it happened overnight) Green means go, red means stop
Only ONE respondent per incident number Next enter the respondent (any person involved/present at the situation) To look up a student: Click on the “Advanced Respondent Search”
Search for the student by their name or 810/811
Select the appropriate student
Click on the “Advanced Respondent Search” and then the “Unknown” tab Type in “unknown” and choose “unknown person”
First, search for them under the “Advanced Respondent Search” “non student” tab
If a non student is not in the system, you will need to add them. To add someone – click on “Add new Respondent” Next – fill in the appropriate information
Fill in the appropriate information
Be sure to read carefully! Be sure to save!
Once you save the incident, you will see these symbols on the bottom of the incident. Click the one that looks like two pieces of paper. This will copy all information except the respondent to a new incident number.
What gets entered into JA? How many respondents per incident number? If there are five people involved to you have to type everything out five times? If someone “looks drunk” how should that be documented in JA? If the police come, do I need to report their interaction with the student in JA? Can I wait until after my 9am class to write the incident report? I am tired… When in doubt…
What went well? What could have been improved? Differences between what they addressed vs. UGA policies and procedures