Plan Of Work UGA Extension Program & Staff Development
Why Supporters want to know funds were used effectively There is always more work than we can do (planning provides focus) PS Promotion - state, regional, national expert
Where does your data go? Quarterly CEU reports to the Board of Regents Annual report to the USDA Annual report to the State Office of Planning and Budget Annual Excellence in Extension report Annual National 4-H ES237 report Grant proposals and reporting Your Faculty Activity Report Weekly custom report requests for various stakeholders (eg. topic specific contacts, educational contact hours, indirect contacts, and number of standard programs)
When Cycle Fall 2016 Agents begin making revisions, retiring, or creating new plans March 13, 2017 Deadline for agents to update or create plans of work. March 13- April 30 PDC review plans and approve or request agents to make revisions. May Agents make revisions as needed. July 1 Agents/Staff begin reporting against active issue plans of work. *Note that this is a suggested timeline and district and PDC/S may adjust as needed.
Issue Programming Other Programming
Getting Started Issue Identification - Use your ELS Committee, Browse Outlook Statements, or start with an Approved Logic Models 1-3 Issue Programs Planning tab
Approved Logic Models In GA Counts - Planning Tab 4-H - 16 ANR - 9 FACS - 14
Retire or Modify a POW Retire or Modify (PDC or Administrators will open this option during the development period)
Create a New POW Most of the boxes are self-explanatory and have help text Some things are more tricky. We will cover those next.
Helpful Hints Collaborators - not necessary on a local program Funding Sources - Usually just State and County funds (not Smith Lever Act unless you get Federal $) Budgeted FTE - not needed Knowledge Areas - not needed
Resources (GA Counts Help) Editing and Submitting County Agent Plan of Work (video) Submitting A County Plan of Work (pdf) Worksheet for Creating County Plans of Work (Word) Adding an Attachment (pdf) County Faculty- Plan of Work
Each Local Issue will have its own calendar.
We are here to help