Child Labour In India
My country is India India is located in the South Asia with a population of 1.3 billion people
Is India a rich or a poor country? India is a rich country but the Indians are poor. India has the largest amount of poor people.
Sexual Exploitation Sexual exploitation is the sexual abuse of children just so they could get the basics of life food, shelter, protection, and/or money. Children were forced into having sexual abuse so they could get what they needed to survive.
Agriculture -Farming, fishing, forestry and livestock -Herding sheep, cattle, and plucking flowers -Carrying heavy loads on their heads -Watering plants -Harvesting vegetables
Carpet weaving -these children are poor and kidnapped or sold and forced to work -Children were especially good for carpet weaving because of their fingers and good eyesight -These children are required to weave carpets that may be 30 to 40 square feet in size, one thread at a time.
Similarities Had young children working as carpet weavers because of their small fingers Children worked because of poverty Both genders worked as carpet weavers Children couldn't go to school and get an education Got diseases from inhaling wool fibres Had no choice most of the time of if they wanted to work or not
Similarities Got wounds and fingers cut off from the dangerous tools and machines Had to work long hours each day for little or no money Children were kidnapped or sold and forced to work Worked to survive and provide for their families
Differences India Ages of carpet weaving are 4-14 Up to 18 hours each day India is home of the largest number of child workings England in the Industrial Revolution Ages of carpet weaving are 6-15 Up to 12 hours each day
Differences India India is a rich country but has poor people The more children that worked meant that adults had fewer opportunities Children made 800 Rupees a month ($16) England during the Industrial Revolution Children made 4-5 shillings a week
Why does child Labour still occur in 2016? Child labour still occurs in 2016 because lots of families are poor and their only way to survive is to work and help out their families. Child labour shouldn't be still happening in 2016 but it would be a lot of money to stop child labour. It would be billions dollars to end child labour.
What are some solutions to help? One of the solutions I thought of to help would be putting the children in a safe environment and giving them education, even if it's just for a couple hours a day that way they could still work to provide for them selves but still learn how to read and write.
"Largest-ever First-hand Investigation Into Slavery And Child Labor Finds Forced Labor Prevalent In India's Hand-Made Carpet Sector | Global Empire |" Largest-ever First-hand Investigation Into Slavery And Child Labor Finds Forced Labor Prevalent In India's Hand-Made Carpet Sector | Global Empire | N.p., n.d. Web. 18 Jan How much money did children get in the industrial revolution if they worked in a textiles factory? (How much money did children get in the industrial revolution if they worked in a textiles factory?) "How Much Money Did Children Get in the Industrial Revolution If They Worked in a Textiles Factory?" How Much Money Did Children Get in the Industrial Revolution If They Worked in a Textiles Factory? Web. 18 Jan "Flag of India." - Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia. N.p., n.d. Web. 18 Jan "Redirect Notice." Redirect Notice. N.p., n.d. Web. 18 Jan N.p., n.d. Web