Territorial Sea-Baseline 领海基线 5th Week
Key words territorial sea领海 contiguous zone毗邻区 exclusive economic zone专属经济区 high sea公海 internal waters内水 chart 海图 indentation 缺口 diameter直径 semi-circle 半圆 low-tide elevations 低潮高地 Historical bay历史性海湾 continuous and expeditious 继续不挺的和迅速的 navigation and overflight 航行和飞越 hot pursuit紧追
Objects Base line: Straight baseline and Anglo-Norwegian Fisheries case Breath of territorial sea and contiguous zone
1. Baseline 1.1 Function of the baseline 1.2 Historical background 1930--Hague Codification Conference 1950s-ILC study 1958-Geneva Convention on the Territorial Sea and the Contiguous Zone 1982-UNCLOS, making slight additions
Anglo-Norwegian Fisheries case
1.3 Several rules related with baseline-Anglo-Norwegian Fisheries case Fact & issue Definitions in this case: -What is normal baseline? -What is strait baseline Court decision: -only means, upheld; -Several conditions as to straight baseline i. the general direction of the coast”. ii. sufficiently closely linked to the land iii. economic interests
IV. “Strait baseline” in 1982 UNCLOS (1) Article 7.1: “In localities where the coastline is deeply indented and cut into, or if there is a fringe of islands along the coast in its immediate vicinity, the method of straight baselines joining appropriate points may be employed in drawing the baseline from which the breadth of the territorial sea is measured” (2) conditions for using straight baseline: I. General direction of the coast, sufficiently closely linked to the land II. May not be drawn to or from low-tide elevations unless lighthouses or similar installations III. May not draw, to cut off from the high seas (or, the EEZ), the territorial sea of another State IV. The chart (海图) ; V. Economic factors
1.4 How to draw the baselines in the complex topographical situations (1) Bays 海湾: “A well-marked indentation 缺口whose penetration is in such proportion to the width of its mouth as to contain land-locked waters and constitute more than a mere curvature of the coast”. I. natural entrance points; II. Semi-circle& bay III. Historical bay历史性海湾 (2)River mouths 河口 (3) Harbor works 港口 (4) Low-tide elevations 低潮高地 (5) Islands-”Okinarishima” case
“冲之鸟” (Okinotorishima) -Island or Rock?
冲之鸟(Okinotorishima) Current status
Breath of the Sea
2. Territorial sea: two conventions----1982 UNCLOS and 1958 TSC 2.1 The breath of the territorial sea (1) Historical background: -Vague criteria: -“Cannon shot” doctrine 加农炮射程原则 -3 miles limitation (2) 12 miles limitation: UNCLOS III -why major countries in this Conference claimed for the wider breath of the territorial sea? -Function of 12 miles limitation
2.2 Innocent passage 无害通过 (1) Meaning of “innocent” --Article 19 of the 1982 UNCLOS: Para 2: the list of the activities which are not regarded as innocent , since they are considered to be prejudicial to the peace, good order or security of the coastal state) (2) Meaning of “Passage”-Art 18 of the UNCLOS: (a) The actual passage through the territorial sea为了横渡领海但不进入内水,停靠泊船处或港口设施 (b) Proceeding to or from internal waters为了驶入或驶出内水而通过领海 (c) Passage shall be continuous and expeditious. 继续不挺的和迅速进行
2.3 Rights of the coastal states Legislative rights Enforcement rights Hot pursuit-Art 111紧追权 1. Such hot pursuit ..within the internal waters, the archipelagic waters, the territorial sea or the contiguous zone of the pursuing State, and ceases …the territorial sea of its own State or of a third State 2. also apply in the exclusive economic zone or on the continental shelf 3. exercised by warships or military aircraft. 4. The right of “hot pursuit” include: right of hot pursuit, right of visitation, right of inspect, right of arrest 紧追权,登临权,检查权,逮捕权
3. contiguous zone 3.1 Definition and breath of contiguous zone 3.2 Legal status
Next class 1. Section 2-5, International straits, EEZ, Continental Shelf Delimitation of EEZ/CS 2. Cases: Corfu Channel Case North Sea Continental Shelf Case and Delimitation of East China Sea