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Presentation transcript:


Eqducational audience; uipment: - legislative documents, Sanpin, KMK, GOST, SN. - distributing materials - situational tasks - methodical recommendations - the training - the supervising program - new technological tutorials 1. Occupation venue:

Tasks: To acquaint students with a technique of an assessment of quality of drinking water and watersaboutsources. To train drawing up of the program of sanitary water analysis, the list neohodimy indicators, number of tests of water depending on its type of the tasks facing sanitary-and-epidemiologic service. To acquaint students with a technique of sanitary control for водораспредеto lines a condition of a water supply system and constructions on it. To acquaint a technique of sanitary examination of projects of water supply of settlements with drawing up of the sanitary conclusion. To acquaint a technique of sanitary examination of ZSO projects of river watersaboutwires and water supply systems with use of underground waters. To acquaint a technique of sanitary inspection of waterworks with sampling for the laboratory analysis Occupation purpose:

1. Ethical and the rules of law regulating the relations of the person to человеку, to society and environment. 2. Work principles about possibility of use centralised watersaboutsupply. 3. Features of the organisation and carrying out hygienic and эпидемиологичеsky actions for reduction of an adverse effect of risk factors on a population and environment state of health. 4. Dachas the conclusion on state standard specification basis system it is centralisedaboutго water supply 5. Organisation and carrying out hygienic and epidemiological мероприItiya on improvement of quality of drinking water. 6. Principles of modern works, approaches to the ZSO organisation of underground and superficial water sources 7. Principles of operation of the modern devices used in профилактичеto sky medicine for quantitative definition harmful and dangerous inеshchestvo to drinking water 8. Techniques sanitary-and-hygienic inspections of objects of supervision and withaboutставлять the corresponding registration and reporting documentation about researches toandwater chestvo. 9. Rules of sampling, transportation and storage of tests of water, drawing up accompanying forms 1. Ethical and the rules of law regulating the relations of the person to человеку, to society and environment. 2. Work principles about possibility of use centralised watersaboutsupply. 3. Features of the organisation and carrying out hygienic and эпидемиологичеsky actions for reduction of an adverse effect of risk factors on a population and environment state of health. 4. Dachas the conclusion on state standard specification basis system it is centralisedaboutго water supply 5. Organisation and carrying out hygienic and epidemiological мероприItiya on improvement of quality of drinking water. 6. Principles of modern works, approaches to the ZSO organisation of underground and superficial water sources 7. Principles of operation of the modern devices used in профилактичеto sky medicine for quantitative definition harmful and dangerous inеshchestvo to drinking water 8. Techniques sanitary-and-hygienic inspections of objects of supervision and withaboutставлять the corresponding registration and reporting documentation about researches toandwater chestvo. 9. Rules of sampling, transportation and storage of tests of water, drawing up accompanying forms THE STUDENT SHOULD KNOW:

To carry out sanitary-and-hygienic inspections of objects of supervision and withaboutставлять corresponding registration and reporting documentation of under control water constructions. To carry out TSN chosen a water source. To carry out TSN of under control waterworks where applyingtся coagulation process. To execute visual, laboratory and tool, settlement methods of delimitation of ZSO. Drawing up of graphic schemes with the indication of sampling points of water waterемов, water supply systems. Interpretation of results of laboratory and tool researches To carry out laboratory research of quality of water THE STUDENT SHOULD BE ABLE:

Centralised water supply to provide the population with water answering to state standard specification «Water drinking» and free consumption in meeting sanitary requirements. Water consumptions in settlements occurs non-uniformly, reflecting distributions in time of household and professional features of life of the population. The accomplishment water supply system sign, the centralised water supply andwith danger of transfer through water of pathogenic microorganisms, than is prevented distribution of infectious diseases. THEORETICAL PART:

WHEN PASSINGAND CYCLEAND OR SEMINARX CLASSES IN QUESTIONS OF HYGIENE OF WATER SUPPLY FOLLOWING TYPES OF WORKS: 1. participate in a choice of a source of water supply, the location водозandpine forest and head constructions of a water supply system, and also in izyskatelny works for establishment of borders of ZSO; 2. considers projects of water supply systems (including ZSO projects). Carries out sanitary inspection in the course of their construction. 3. participates in acceptance in operation of water constructions, thus checks compliance to the project, establish readiness of all constructions for start-up in test operation (checks operation of portioning devices and control equipment, washing and disinfection water сооружеniya etc.) also draws the conclusion about it. Carry out laboratory researches of water at test operation for the purpose of overall performance check withaboutoruzheniye for improvement of quality of water and a condition of a water supply system, operation draws the conclusions about possibility further.


PROGRAM OF SANITARY INSPECTION OF A WATER SUPPLY SYSTEM FROM AN OPEN RESERVOIR 1. Date of a construction of a water supply system, its accessory ("Suv soz" or vetomstvenny). What objects it is provided with water (the settlement, a partandly zone, industrial enterprise). Quantity of the population, обслуживаеwash with a water supply system. 2. Water supply sources (river, lakes, reservoir), its sanitary and topographical and hydrological characteristic. 3. The reservoir characteristic in places of a fence of water, (depth, width, speed of a current, a consumption of water etc.). Device of water intaking constructions. 4. A daily consumption of water of a water supply system and water consumption on one person, giving interruption, and their reasons. 5. Treatment facilities of a water supply system, their device, operating mode, labourandeven researches on checks of overall performance separate сооружеniya (settlers, filters) Overall performance of settlers and filters is checked on increase of transparency of water, h a case of application of coagulation of water the trainee should withandmostoyatelno to define an optimum dose of a coagulant and to check effectinto coagulation Nosta on decrease in chromaticity of water.

6. Water disinfecting. Type of the used installation, applied doses of chlorine, time of contact of water with chlorine. The student should define хлорпоглandwater shchayemost, normal dose of chlorine to check a chlorination mode, withtvetstviya of active chlorine entered into water to a consumption of water to define остатоhny chlorine and to make bacteriological water analysis. 7. The scheme of a water supply system, a construction on it. Type of water intaking columns, their number and placement in respect of the settlement, existence of the concreted platforms, by-pass flutes for a water drain the maximum radius having servedandcolumn niya. Quantity of the households attached to a water supply system. 8. ZSO of a source of water supply and water supply system, its organisation and mode. 9. Sanitary mode and laboratory control of water supply system work, matеto rials ЦГСЭН and departmental laboratory (what analyses and as it is frequent) 10. To select test of water and to make water analysis.Data of the analysis to present in the following table.

The program of sanitary inspection of a water supply system from underground water sources. 1. Date of a construction of a water supply system, its accessory ("Suv soz" or vetomstvenny). What objects it is provided with water (the settlement, a partandly zone, industrial enterprise). Quantity of the population, обслуживаеwash with a water supply system. 2. A daily consumption of water of a water supply system and water consumption on one person, giving interruption, and their reasons. 3. The locations of wells, their distance from housing and other structures. hydrological characteristic (Characteristic of the water-bearing horizon) 4. Depth of wells, statistical and dynamic level. Output of wells. 5. ZSO of a source of water supply and water supply system, its organisation and mode. 6. sanitary-engineering equipment of a well, material of obsadny pipes, type and placement of pumps. 7. Device of underground tanks and water tower (material and thosexnichesky condition) 8. Type of water intaking columns, their number and placement in respect of the settlement, existence of the concreted platforms, by-pass flutes for a water drain the maximum radius of service of a column. Quantity of households, прandconnected to a water supply system. 9. Schemes of head constructions of waterworks 10. Conclusion. To specify shortcomings of the device and operation of a water supply system and action for their elimination, to plan ways on further improvement to water supply of water supply of the settlement.

PROGRAM OF SANITARY INSPECTION OF LOCAL WATER SUPPLY. 1. Number of sources of local water supply (public mine Cocaдtsev, artesian wells) the greatest radius of service of the population. 2. arrangements of wells in respect of the settlement (on the estate, on the street, in the production centre), distance from possible sources of pollution (a lavatory, a room for animals etc.), existence of a zamoshcheniye and protections. 3. the sanitary-engineering equipment of mine wells (a material of walls, their serviceability, existence of the clay lock, a cover, a public bucket, inaboutdopodjemny construction - a collar, a crane, the pump) and artesian wells (a material of obsadny pipes, type of pumps) 4. depth of mine wells to day and to a water surface, water level fluctuation during a high water and in summer month, depth of artesian wells. 5. as it is often made cleanings of wells, it is made – whether, disinfection of wells after cleaning, whether is made water chlorination in wells. 6 whether. there are sanitary representatives for supervision for sanitary withaboutto standings of wells and their serviceability in the sanitary-engineering relation 7 whether. are available in ЦГСЭН passports on wells and the artesian wells, what periodicity of inspection of water sources ЦГСЭН and as laboratory research of water of wells and artesian wells is often made. 8. data of water analyses (transparency, chromaticity, a smell, ammonia, nitrates and nitrites, chlorides, sulphates, quantity of colonies in 1 ml of water prick an index) to present in the following table:

I. BASIC provisions 1. the water objects, which quality of water correspond established withandto nitarny requirements, it is provided first of all for economic and drinking water supply. 2. suitability of a source for economic and drinking water supply on a basis: a sanitary condition of a place of placement of water intaking constructions and the applying territory – for underground sources of watersaboutsupply, than a sanitary condition of a place of a water intake and the source is higher and below a water intake for superficial sources of water supply,. 3. the source of water supply and water intaking constructions of a water supply system should be protected from pollution by a ZSO organisation way according to deйstvuyushchy legislation. 4. organisation sanitary, hydrological, hydro- geological and топогрandfichesky inspections to be carried out by the organisation for which carrying outtся choice of a source of water supply.

1. at a choice of a source of water supply first of all should be andwithпользованы interreservoir pressure head underground waters. At impossibility andwithusings of such sources of water supply should be passed to others to sources in an order of decrease in their sanitary reliability: interbedded beznaporny, ground waters and to superficial reservoirs (to the rivers, водохранandlishche, to lakes, channels) 2. Output of a source of water supply (or total output of several истоhnik) should correspond to need for settlement water (объеtothat) and prospects of its development. 3. at a choice of underground sources of water supply first of all should be used such, structure and which properties of water correspond треto State standard specification bovaniye 4. If water of an underground source do not correspond to State standard specification requirements in coordination with bodies of sanitary-and-epidemiologic service andwiththe tochnik of water supply can be used under condition of performance дaboutthe polnitelny actions providing quality of drinking water требaboutto State standard specification vaniye II. RULES OF A CHOICE OF SOURCES OF WATER SUPPLY

III. RESEARCH OF WATERSЫ WATER SUPPLY SOURCES 1. Research of water of underground sources of water sources: а) Tests of water should be selected from the water-bearing horizon assumed to operation. And also from those the water-bearing horizon, which with it are connected, at existing a water intake directly after pumps of the first lifting. б) Water tests from again built or long staying idle wells abouttafter long the pumping which has been executed to constant level and water clarification at the productivity equal or slightly more than the design. в) Number of single tests of water from interbedded pressure head water-bearing not less than two, taken with a selection interval not less than 24 h, for each water-bearing horizon separately. For other underground sources of watersaboutsupply of test select during 1 year, during each characteristic period in this climatic area, from each water-bearing horizon in on two tests with a selection interval not less than 24 hours. г) at detection of seasonal fluctuations of a chemical composition of water of possible bacterial pollution should be provided its disinfecting. 2. Researches of water of a superficial source of water supply: а) water sampling from superficial sources carry out on distance of 1 km above on a current from an expected place of a water intake, and on landlocked inabout and reservoirs at distance of 1 km in both parties from a water intake. At an existing water intake selection directly pumps of the first lifting is allowed. б) number of single tests - not less than 12 in a year, taken away monthly.

IV. ASSESSMENT OF SUITABILITY OF A SOURCE OF WATER SUPPLY. 1. suitability of a source for centralised economic and drinking inaboutdosnabzheniye and places of a water intake establish bodies and establishments санитаRbut - the MZ RUZ epidemiological services, and also health services of other departments to which the solution of this question is assigned. 2. The choice of a source of water supply is made on the basis of the materials containing the following data: - the short characteristic of the settlement (object), the situational plan with drawing a place of an expected water intake, the scheme projected the centreandlizovanny economic and drinking water supply with the indication of daily level of water consumption on the settlement prospect, the waters of sources given about quality. At superficial a water supply source - hydrological data, mandnimalny and average expenses of water, compliance their assumed водозandto pine forest, sanitary characteristic of the pool industry development, existence and possibilities of emergence of sources household, industrial and сельскохaboutzyaystvenny pollution around an expected water intake

METHOD USE «THE ACADEMIC POLEMIC» To break group into 2-3 small groups (MG). To all students to offer one task in the form of a situational task or the specific question relating to this subject. To list questions, which everyone should answer Mg, specify them by in points. 1. A water role in transfer of infectious diseases 2. Whom and where control of quality of water is carried out 3. On what frequency of control depends 4. By what indicators are estimated epidemiological safety of water. 5. Comparative sanitary-and-hygienic characteristic of sources of waters about supply. 6. a role of separate elements of a water supply system in distribution water infections (a source of water supply, water intaking and treatment facilities, aboutwater network). 7. definitions of an output of a water source. 8. main methods of improvement of quality of water. 9. special methods of improvement of quality of water. 10. Laboratory control of quality of drinking water at artesian water supply. Everyone discusses MG and writes down the versions of answers on a leaf. For этaboutго 10 minutes are taken away. Then the teacher takes away records of MG by everyone and aloud carries out analysis of correctness of answers to each question. For everyone inabout the corresponding point is inserted, then the score, N pays offandabusive everyone MG, i.e. estimates of knowledge of students in everyone MG.

In what process of coagulation of water consists. What factors influence coagulation process What ways of disinfecting of water are recommended As check of efficiency of chlorination of water is made. Hygienic requirements to the device of water intaking constructions Sanitary-and-hygienic requirements to the device and operation aboutwater etwork The scheme of the device of waterworks at a water supply source from the river. Order of control of quality of economic drinking water on водопровaboutдах from open reservoirs. What mode is established in each of zone belts. Settlement norms of water consumption. Criterion of sufficiency of hyper chlorination, the doses of chlorine applied at chlorination of water. Concept about ground, interreservoir and deep-well waters. Factors, Sanitary requirements to a water supply system. Types of water intaking columns and their sanitary assessment. QUESTIONS:

* "Summary: * 1. "Health" under the guidance of prof. Demidenko NM T * 2. Guide to laboratory work on communal hygiene Goncharuk EI Moscow 1990 * 3. Sh.T.Otaboev, T.I.Iskandarov, G.T.Iskandarova "Kommunal hygiene" Tashkent 2010 th. * 4 "Kommunal gigienadan Amal mashgulotlar Uchun ukuv * kullanma. " Edited by Academician Iskandarova TI T. 2006y * 5. "Communal Hygiene" E.I.Goncharuk Kiev in 2007 I, II part

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