Information The second world war started on the first of September 1939 and ended on the seventh of May Adolf Hitler wanted to take charge of the world so he and his army invaded other countries.
Rationing Rationing started because there wasn’t enough food to go around. To stop all of the boats full of supplies getting to their destination, Adolf Hitler sent U boats into the water.
An average week’s ration Meat: up to 1s 2d worth (sausages not rationed but hard to get) Bacon and ham: 4oz Butter: 2oz Cheese: 2oz Milk: 3 pints Margarine: 4oz Cooking fat: 2oz Sugar: 8oz Jam/marmalade/pickles: 8oz a month in all Eggs: 1 a week Dried egg: 1 every 4 weeks Sweets: 4oz a week
Work The men that usually did work in the factories and on farms left to fight in the war. Because of that, the women had to do the jobs that the men did.
Evacuation When the bombs started to drop, the children in the cities were evacuated to the countryside. They were kept there, not only for their own good, but so that when they were older, they could do all of the things the adults did. As soon as the bombs stopped, the children went back to their own towns. Most of them were terribly affected by the war and would never forget about it until the day they died.
Quiz time!! 1.Why did the rationing start? A Hitler had a rash…..Hitler had a rash….. B there wasn’t enough food to go round…..there wasn’t enough food to go round….. C someone fell over…..someone fell over….. D the army died….the army died….
Presented by Alex & Rachel