Progressive Movement Gallery Walk
See Mean Matter SeeMeanMatter What do you see in the picture? What do you think the picture means? Was this a successful political reform? Why/Why not?
Suffrage Women achieved the right to vote in 1920 when Congress passed the 19 th Amendment Source: Library of Congress
Conservation Teddy Roosevelt created fifty wildlife refuges, approved five new national parks, and began the designation of eighteen natural national monuments (such as the Grand Canyon and Niagara Falls). In total, 230 million acres of land were put under federal protection and management. Roosevelt is seen here with John Muir. Source: Library of Congress
Prohibition The 18 th Amendment banned the sale of alcohol, but the actual law was hard to enforce because it was largely unpopular. Source: Library of Congress
Discrimination Public schools in California in the 1900s were open to children of European, Mexican, and Filipino ancestry. But California laws prevented Chinese Americans, Native Americans, and African Americans from attending public schools during this time period. Source: Oakland Museum of California
Elimination As whites moved westward, Native Americans were forced to live in reservations or in hiding. Ishi (see above) worked in the public display of the University of California Museum of Anthology until he contracted tuberculosis and died in Source: University of California Museum of Anthology
Recall Direct democracy laws, like the recall, enabled California voters to remove governors from office.
Reflect Essential Question: Were the political reforms of the 19 th Century successful?