Medical Terminology List 6 Ch. 3
Arteri/o Artery Artery Arteriosclerosis Arteritis
Arteri/o Artery Blood vessel that carries blood away from the heart
Arteri/o Arteriosclerosis -sclerosis = Hardening Hardening of the artery
Arteri/o Arteritis Inflammation of the artery
Ather/o Plaque (a yellow fatty material) Atherosclerosis Atheroma
Ather/o Atheroscleros is Hardening of plaque
Ather/o Atheroma Mass of plaque
Axill/o Armpit (underarm) Axillary - ary = pertaining to
Chem/o Drug or chemical Chemotherapy Therapy = Treatment Treatment by drugs or chemicals
Chron/o Time Chronic Pertaining to time
Col/o Colon (large intestine) Colon Coloscopy Coloscope Colostomy Colitis
Col/o Coloscopy
Col/o Coloscope
Col/o Colitis Chronic ulcerative colitis
Cry/o Cold Cryosurgery Cryotherapy Cryophobia
Mamm/o Breast Mammary Pertaining to the breast Mammogram X-ray record of the breast
Mammogram X-ray record of the breast
Mast/o Breast Mastectomy Removal of the breast Mastitis Inflammation of the breast
Men/o Menses (menstruation) Menorrhea Men/o Menses -rrhea Flow or discharge Normal discharge Menorrhage Men/o Menses -rrhage Excessive flow Excessive menses
Amenorrhea ? A/men/o/rrhea -rrhea Discharge A- No / not Men/o Menses No menstrual flow
Mening/o Meninges (membranes around the brain and spinal cord)
My/o Muscles Myocardial Pertaining to the muscle of the heart Myoma Tumor of muscle Myomectomy Removal of muscle tumor Myositis Inflammation of the muscle
Myel/o Spinal cord Myelogram X-ray image and record of the spinal cord
Necr/o Death Necrotic Pertaining to the death of cells Necrosis Death of cells
Phleb/o Vein Phlebitis Inflammation of a vein
Phlebotomist A person who removes blood Vampire!
Pneumon/o Lung Pneumonia Abnormal condition of the lung Pneumonectomy Removal of a lung Pneumonitis Inflammation of a lung
Pulmon/o Lung Pulmonary Pertaining to the lung Healthy lung
Radi/o X-ray Radiology Science of using x-rays to diagnosis disease Study of x-rays Radiologist Specialist in the use of x-rays (DOCTOR)
Septic/o Pertaining to infection Septic Pertaining to infection Septicemia Infection in the blood Blood poisoning
Tonsill/o Tonsils Tonsillitis Inflammation of the tonsils
Vascul/o Blood vessel Vascular Pertaining to blood vessels Vasculitis Inflammation of blood vessels
-centesis Surgical procedure to remove fluid Thoracentesis Surgical puncture of the chest to remove fluid
Amniocentesis Surgical puncture to remove fluid from the amnion
Arthrocentesis Surgical puncture to remove fluid from a joint
-ectomy Removal, resection, excision Tonsillectomy Removal of tonsil Hysterectomy Removal of uterus Cholecystectomy Removal of the gallbladder Nephrectomy Removal of a kidney
-lysis Separation, breakdown, destruction Dialysis Complete separation Hemolysis Breakdown of blood
-plasty Surgical repair or correction Mammoplasty Surgical repair of the breast Rhinoplasty Surgical repair of the nose Arthroplasty Surgical repair of the joint
-stomy Opening Colostomy Opening of the colon to the outside of the body
Tracheostomy Opening of the trachea to the outside of the body
-therapy -Treatment Radiotherapy Treatment of disease with x-ray Chemotherapy Treatment of disease (cancer) with chemicals Cryotherapy Treatment of disease with cold
-tomy Incision, to cut into Craniotomy Incision of the skull Phlebotomy Incision of a vein
-megaly -enlargement cardiomegaly hepatomegaly
-megaly Cardiomegaly
- megaly hepatomegaly
-rrhea -Flow, discharge rhinorrhea
-rrhage -bursting forth Hemorrhage
-sclerosis -hardening Arteriosclerosis